60 points (current score) Uploaded: Sep 28, 2008  
Viewed 196 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
It was late, it's been a good weekend, and I was thinking how much I love my husband. He's my friend, my buddy, my soulmate and I'd miss him terribly if he was no longer in my life.

Just because...I want to AND I can!

Your comments mean the world to me! Thanks!
Design credits:
Monja - Father's Love
2MrsSumners - Father's Day
Misty Cato - Days with Dad
LesleyB - Overlays
SF - PinkChocolate
Kristy08 - Folded Flowers
WordArt - UKnown (sorry)

Comments for this page: (view all 4 comments)
neeltje says:
great page

May 15, 2009
Jean 60 says:
great page
Nov 2, 2008
Juanita M says:
great page
Sep 29, 2008
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
wonderful page
Sep 29, 2008
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