358 points (current score) Uploaded: Sep 26, 2008  
Viewed 239 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
me and my husband will move to the states to his family soon. that means for me i have to say goodbye to my family and friends :( !i wanted to make them a little something so that they remember us!!
ohhhh...how much i hate saying goodbye!!
Design credits:
summer in the city kit

Comments for this page: (view all 34 comments)
Frogbeam says:
My boyfriend has family he visits every year in Germany ..he grew up in New York and lives in New Mexico now....but misses Germany when here and America when there...Hope the move was well.
Sep 12, 2009
gypsykate says:
wonderful scrap; i wish you much happiness in your new home!
Nov 27, 2008
michpics says:
Great page! Goodbyes are never easy but I wish you the very best for the move and your new life in America! :)
Oct 9, 2008
Ann72 says:
Very nice idea! Weggehen heist auch woanders ankommen
Oct 9, 2008
Doreen Palmer says:
Goodbyes are always sad. Especially when they will live so far away. Your layout is very nice.
Oct 7, 2008
Erie Scrapper says:
Welcome!!! I know it will be very different, but I hope you will love it...HUGS from Arizona!
Oct 6, 2008
Thierry says:
very nice page and photo ! 10+ch
Oct 5, 2008
sara_rache says:
congratulations & welcome! cute page!
Oct 2, 2008
christieandjoshuasmom says:
Beautifully done! 10+10! My husband and I left both our families in South Africa to move to the USA 8 years ago. It will draw you so close together and give you the opportunity to create a whole new life for yourselves. Saying goodbye is still hard though...
Oct 2, 2008
Ghunibee says:
A lovely page to give your family!
Oct 2, 2008
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