80 points (current score) Uploaded: May 25, 2008  
Viewed 295 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I took these photo May of 08 while visiting my gandchildren. This lake is just down the street my my son's house and the girls had been bugging him to take them fishing for sometime now. They did not catch anything but had a ball watching the turtles!
This is entered in a challenge "any page will do."
Design credits:
Flourish Kit by PascaleA...thanks for the beautiful design! I love her talant.

Comments for this page: (view all 8 comments)
limeynana says:

Jun 3, 2008
~PascaleA says:
You are so welcome! ( oops sorry just now found your page) Such a wonderful use of my Flourish kit! :-)
Thank you! :-)
Jun 2, 2008
uniquegal says:
Awesome page! Hugs~Dawn
May 28, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
Beautiful sweet page great job well done
May 26, 2008
macdi says:
Adorable pictures and page!!10+10cp
May 26, 2008
Ferro says:
10+10 Wonderful photos of Megan
May 26, 2008
mum2girls says:
May 25, 2008
A Byte Celtic says:
Beautiful photos and page...great use of Pascale's kit! Great job!
May 25, 2008
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