49 points (current score) Uploaded: Mar 4, 2008  
Viewed 332 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
In my mind I put together this page from other peoples work, in about three seconds, having on hand a picture I had been working with. The page can be found in my gallery.

This remains most often, my favorite page, I love black, and when I plant in my garden, I go for leaf pattern over flower color (for the most part).
Design credits:
Created with Creative Memories software.

I most graciously thank:

Sooze for her plopper page (lt. green page)

The "Spring is in the Air" quote comes with the Creative Memories software. (sorry I just learned that if I want others to use what I put together I need to make the page a PNG file when I export the page).

Y2bonnie for her Green Fern QP which is really the background, and also for her Fern Background which serves as the frame for the photo.

Again thank you so very much.

Comments for this page: (view all 3 comments)
HannaS says:
This is beautiful!
Mar 23, 2008
amazonia71 says:
wonderful page!!!
Mar 4, 2008
LadynRed_44 says:
Very nice page.
Mar 4, 2008
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