Weeks Funniest Scrapbook 189 points (current score) Uploaded: Jul 31, 2006  
Viewed 2490 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Morgan is my mischevious little beagle. As you can see from this her world revolves around food and getting into her tummy. She has eaten everything possible and gotten into things that we thought not possible. I have learned that with a beagle like her patience is truly a virtue......what does not kill me can only make me stronger..... ha ha ha ha ha
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.

Comments for this page: (view all 10 comments)
hsmomof4 says:
Great pics and arrangement. I think Beagles are so cute. We took care of one for 8 weeks once. Such energy!
Apr 26, 2009
ToeJam says:
Great page! Very imaginative. :-)
Oct 5, 2008
uniquegal says:
Wonderful! It's great to meet other Minnesotan's with a sense of humor! Dawn
May 11, 2008
sandra marie says:
wonderful photo's and layout well done
Oct 23, 2006
Claudia says:
Too funny!!!!!! Lovely..
Aug 24, 2006
chrisg says:
this is cute!!
Oct 19, 2006
bobbiejo says:
Funny! I have dogs to and know what u mean, food, food, food and sleep....hahahaha!
Aug 6, 2006
justdot says:
Busy page but a good one! I had a beagle once and he was just like Morgan. Nice job.
Aug 3, 2006
Charlie Brown says:
This is a page that every dog lover can relate to. Good one.
Jul 31, 2006
~PascaleA says:
LOL...such a fun page!
Sep 14, 2006
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