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The picture on this page that says "This is a child molester over it"... Yes, this is actually the person who molested me. I blurred his face not to protect him from anything, but because I don't want to see his face. It's bad enough I have to listen to people talk about him all the time since he is a member of pretty much my immediate family. The comment below from imforgven says it better than I ever could.... "If we can just save one child from what we went through it is worth it.."
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Created with Scrapbook Flair software.
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newtoit says:
be strong, be nrave, and you don't ever have to be around him! you are in charge of your life! protect it, cherish it!!!
Dec 25, 2007
Fi_11 says:
Wow - so brave - people need to be more aware of what some kids go through
Dec 12, 2007
*** Verony*** says:
Way to go girl,for telling your story,by doing so you have already saved someone else.Hugs to you well done
Dec 7, 2007
by rideascrapbook says:
Very brave page! I hope this helps your healing as well as make others aware.
Dec 7, 2007
lally28 says:
I perfectly agree with you and Imforgen. You are brave and a survivor and you can help children that might pass threw this. And sharing with us your story is the proof that you CAN change things. THANK YOU for your page.
Dec 7, 2007
imforgven says:
Thank you for the comments on my page. I want to thank you and also tell you how brave and strong you for coming forward to tell your story. It is not an easy decision to tell people. I know there are a lot of other survivors out there who have stories also.. If we can just save one child from what we went through it is worth it.. blessings christine
Dec 7, 2007
danic says:
great page!!!!
Dec 7, 2007