Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 160 points (current score) Uploaded: May 30, 2011  
Viewed 2000 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
This had me laughing while I was morphing for the challenge.. I dont really know if I was laughing at my attempt to 'Morph' Or how similar Phoebe and I actually are. I have named this LO after myself and Phoebe (kat-ebe).. I will upload a shot of the 2 individual photo's also.. So you can see how 'we' have changed. Thanks so much for all your lovely comments and support..
Design credits:
I have used Divine Digital Mega Collab "Down the Rabbit Hole"
FONT: 1942 report (available at DaFont)
I use Gimp to make my LO's.

Comments for this page: (view all 14 comments)
IRSKA says:
great page!
Jun 6, 2011
Ineke62 says:
lovely page!
Jun 3, 2011
Claudia says:
A beautiful page...wonderful. Good job! 10+10 challenge points
Jun 1, 2011
zanthia says:
great page - sorry for c/p --just got new pc and still trying to set it up and move things over so am so far behind
May 31, 2011
mommyj says:
Gorgeous page, very well done
May 31, 2011
sugarpops says:
A gorgeous page xx
May 31, 2011
debra 112233 says:
She is very much like you....great page!
May 31, 2011
Cindee says:

Great job you did!... Isn't amazing how we
sometimes overlook the simularities until we
put them together like this! ... great page!
May 31, 2011
inkyD says:
Superb result and a fabulous page, love the Alice elements
May 31, 2011
Xguern66 says:
Very clever. Love Alice head first into the cup.
May 31, 2011
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