Challenge Winners - 2nd Place 300 points (current score) Uploaded: Apr 7, 2011  
Viewed 2880 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
This is Alan Guterriez Art/Zodiac Senshi!! This page is
Sailor Sagitarious! Alan guiterrez also goes by aka Stardriv. I am very into fantasies, I love faeries and unicorns and all that stuff!So, here I am in Animegirl's challenge again as I think I have been in all of hers since I started.Well, tomorrow, this challenge comes to an end and I ask that if you havent had the chance yet, PLEASE vote in the challenge as well! Thankyou, Shannon XX littlepixel
Design credits:
BG: from off Google
ALL Embellishments and tubes out of: IN A FAIRYLAND scraps and tubes!! Thankyou very much!!

Thanks for voting and supporting me in challenges!! Hugs,Shannon
All members are able to vote and if you have time you should go see the GREAT pages in this CH!!
I thankyou for your lovely comments and ask that if you have time PLEASE go by the challenge as well! Thankyou very much and as always, HAPPY SCRAPPING!!!!

Comments for this page: (view all 31 comments)
lady wolf known as Krystal says:
Totally brilliant page just loving it.
Apr 14, 2011
neeltje says:
Awesome work!

Apr 12, 2011
syedbilal says:
so creative!!1
Apr 11, 2011
Xguern66 says:
Beautiful page Shannon - well done.
Apr 10, 2011
Las95 says:
Absolutely beautiful page, love it.xx
Apr 10, 2011
Larkspur Nanny says:
Lovely fantasy page.
Apr 10, 2011
Moongirl says:
Great work!!
Apr 10, 2011
milliec says:
Beautiful page!
Apr 9, 2011
Pelle says:
Absolutely beautiful page!!
Apr 9, 2011
jenmat0 says:
beautiful page
Apr 8, 2011
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