Scrapbook of the Week 560 points (current score) Uploaded: Feb 28, 2011  
Viewed 2041 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
This beautiful young lady is my stepdaughters, stepdaughter. Isnt she gorgeous, and she is only 14. Thank you for any comments and votes.
Design credits:
My background, photo taken by my stepdaughter Denise. Several effects added to this in PSE7 and fotosketcher.

Comments for this page: (view all 49 comments)
jeanny1967 says:
love it!
Dec 9, 2011
vinaviee says:
wooww beautiful page
Nov 20, 2011
Scrappy matante says:
she is beautiful and that is all you need for this page
May 19, 2011
kezcreates says:
totally gorgeous!!
Apr 24, 2011
Claudia says:
Wonderful page. Congrats on scrap of the week award!
Hugs Claudia xoxo
Apr 9, 2011
littlepixel says:
WOW!! What a GORGEOUS PAGE!! I have meant to stop by and comment on this and tell you CONGRADULATIONS!!!! I have just not been well and I am suppose to start school at the end of the month, and then start treatments like chemotherapy in April so, lots of Doctors Appt. and such! HAPPY SCRAPPING!! Hugs Always,
Mar 17, 2011
Lantanna Calyipso says:
Your stepdaughters daughter is truly Beautiful X
Mar 11, 2011
Scrappy Lou says:
By the way, congratulation on you win.
Mar 9, 2011
Scrappy Lou says:
She truly is gorgeous and you have scrapped her so beautifully.
Mar 9, 2011
Erie Scrapper says:
Mar 9, 2011
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