Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 250 points (current score) Uploaded: Dec 21, 2010  
Viewed 1984 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
For Brenda´s Mr. and/or Ms. Potato Head challenge.
Design credits:
Freebies by SBF, Blue Dream Designs, Ptitesouris, Pixelfairy and Wee Faerie. Mr. and Ms. Potato Head and Andy´s room wallpaper from the net.

Comments for this page: (view all 26 comments)
oreosmeow says:
You have been tagged and I would love it if you entered this into Milliecs Invitation Only Game Part 2 challenge!
Dec 26, 2010
Erie Scrapper says:
OMG - this is just tooo funny. Off to vote
Dec 4, 2010
MaxiDesigns says:
LOL, Love this!!!! Funny!!!
Nov 30, 2010
oklahomadawn says:
whoa, i hope he can see me with that big page!
Nov 30, 2010
amelia123 says:
what a really cute MR and MRS potatoe head page, made me giggle, well done love it xxx
Nov 30, 2010
DitzBitz says:
so, so cute! I love Mr. Potato Head holding his missing arm with the missing eye! so cute & funny!
Nov 28, 2010
milliec says:
How funny! What a cute page!
Nov 28, 2010
jenmat0 says:
Lol....great page!
Nov 28, 2010
debra 112233 says:
Wow terrific page!
Nov 27, 2010
MaryWonder says:
Very clever LOL!
Nov 27, 2010
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