Challenge Winners - 2nd Place 255 points (current score) Uploaded: Sep 26, 2010  
Viewed 3076 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I've always wanted a chiming clock; so when Lady Diana pasted, I bought a clock named after her! I have enjoyed hearing the chimes of this clock ever since! I did this page for the challenge: clocks: Thanks for viewing and comments treasured!
Design credits:
Scrapbook Max Flair Upload:
Photo: Bing Extraction
Kit: Long Ago, Bobule Scrap Hobby & Zlinka, Freebie gift,digidesignresort
Kit: Time Stands Still, By: MD, Digidesignresort, Freebie gift

Comments for this page: (view all 26 comments)
ppppppppppppppppppp says:
congratulations on your award well done hugs x
Oct 7, 2010
MaxiDesigns says:
I was in Germany when I heard the news. Was unreal to hear this and today she will always be remember in our hearts. Beautiful Page!!!!
Oct 5, 2010
Solveiga14 says:
Like this clock! 10cp!
Oct 5, 2010
princess bev (magic cats) says:
wow how amazing and well scrapped page and clock and love the picture of lady dianna 10+10
Oct 1, 2010
Granny Franny says:
WOW...I LOVE your is gorgeous and I can see why you love it too!!! You've scrapped this beautifully Annita!! I remember exactly where I was, the night that she was in the very tragic!
Sep 30, 2010
oklahomadawn says:
wonderful page!!!
Sep 30, 2010
belle15 says:
Sorry for the cut and paste, have gotten a bit behind, been sick. Just wanted to let you know that I have viewed and voted on your wonderful page & I will speed vote the challenges, when done viewing all the pages I have missed. :-)
Sep 29, 2010
Larkspur Nanny says:
A beautiful page, not only for the challenge, but in this lovley lady's memory.10+++
Sep 28, 2010
Lindsay1973 says:
wonderful,love your clock
Sep 28, 2010
Scrappy matante says:
Lovely story and well done on your page
Sep 27, 2010
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