Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 426 points (current score) Uploaded: Jul 28, 2010  
Viewed 2300 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
My example page for the upcoming challenge I would never do that.
I have highfever, so this is how I even feel standing on a high building looking outside. (been on the Empire State building once). But I love flying, that does not give me any problem.
By the way I`ve made my husband the pilot
I wil also post this page in the air challenge
Design credits:
All the image I used are my own photo`s even the sky and the plane I snapped through the plane window when we flew back from Corfu

Comments for this page: (view all 39 comments)
hollandgirlnl says:
Komen jullie zo hierheen vliegen? lijkt me nog al koud. Wel spectaculair
Aug 2, 2010
Moongirl says:
Very cool!!
Aug 1, 2010
JustBnSharon says:
Super fun page - Praise Game!
Aug 1, 2010
valrushton says:
Very funny and creative page!
Aug 1, 2010
MissKaki says:
Weeral eens typisch jouw manier van scrappen... Ik hoefde niet eens naar de naam te kijken om te weten wie het had gemaakt; fantastic work!
Aug 1, 2010
Broody Hen says:
great page
Jul 31, 2010
amelia123 says:
lol fabulous air page, 10ch xxx
Jul 30, 2010
Lindsay1973 says:
Jul 30, 2010
sharmaine says:
How funny! I love it. I also prefer to stay on the ground, I'll leave flying to the birds, lol.
Jul 29, 2010
Lavender Passion says:
OMG! Me either! heee Great FUN page, love the texture!
Jul 29, 2010
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