Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 400 points (current score) Uploaded: Jan 12, 2010  
Viewed 2510 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I know it's after Christmas and we've all had our fill of these pages, but just one more...On Christmas Eve after taking only about five or six pictures when my camera battery went out and I couldn't replace since I was at my mom's house so I was a bit disappointed I didn't get any good pics of Bekah or Jake which is why I was so excited to find this one great picture that i didn't even realize I had gotten until a couple days ago.
Design credits:
Created in PSE7
Glitter dust and snowflake overlay by Digital Scrap Designs
This page has so many layers, effects, and blending I can't even remember everything I did!

Comments for this page: (view all 46 comments)
neeltje says:
what a beautiful page, seen in new under 400 group
Jan 13, 2011
Micheline 1 says:
Superb close-up!
Dec 13, 2010
Mimi_ says:
Dec 13, 2010
milliec says:
I remember this page too! She's just lovely and wonderful Christmas page! Thank you for joining my challenge!
Dec 12, 2010
NairFlair says:
beautiful! seen in close-ups challlenge.
Dec 12, 2010
Bribri62 says:
beautiful page seen in NEW UNDER 400 GROUP

Nov 15, 2010
FunkyFairyAnnie says:
congrats on 3rd
Feb 19, 2010
Pelle says:
Congrats with the 3th place!!
Feb 15, 2010
FunkyFairyAnnie says:
back again 10cps tinit that photo chal
Feb 9, 2010
Pelle says:
Feb 8, 2010
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