70 points (current score) Uploaded: Jun 6, 2009  
Viewed 1736 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
My niece Emily graduated high school this week. It was a great day and a nice visit to Dallas.
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.

Comments for this page: (view all 6 comments)
Staying Busy (Cyndi) says:
Wonderful memory page of a very special day!
Jul 16, 2009
Sacha0606 says:
The strongest lawnmowers shaved the thunderclouds. They had a blue color ink, ready to melt, like a lollipop lodged in full sun. The sun anesthetizes black ideas. It obliges to forget the past, we cannot fear the future. The sun was also installed in your gallery. Your pages shine. Through them, I can see that the present. Step further and I am happy. A “Wide-Angle Lens” of your feelings.
Jul 2, 2009
novice@it says:
nice page, and family picture.
Jun 30, 2009
*** Verony*** says:
Beautiful page congrats
Jun 7, 2009
momscreation says:
wonderful page
Jun 7, 2009
Ferro says:
Congrats Emily. Adorable photo and page
Jun 7, 2009
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