Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 370 points (current score) Uploaded: May 21, 2009  
Viewed 2670 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
for the My Favorite Band challenge.

I have been listening to The Cure for 21 years and counting :) Many people pass them by because they see big hair, eyeliner, and smeared lipstick lol, but their lyrics mean so much to my life and remind me of my teen years. Thousands of songs over their long career speak of their longevity in a tough business :) I love the feeling and thought put into each song.
Design credits:
fonts: the cure/curiosity
the cure/wish
Broken Ghost

photos and lyrics from the net

Comments for this page: (view all 34 comments)
Sacha0606 says:
Some fell into a cauldron of magic potion when they were young.I slipped in a cup of coffee.When I go in your gallery,I can find the best espresso.Sometimes,your images have the sweetness of a delicious Brazilian coffee.Sometimes your pages would shake an oak that would have been watered with an ultra-strong coffee.But your gallery is impregnated with a perfumed odor that invites us to come back.
May 27, 2009
My Inspiration says:
awesome page 10+10
May 27, 2009
gypsykate says:
May 25, 2009
very cool page
May 24, 2009
MaxiDesigns says:
Awesome Page, 10+ 10
May 24, 2009
Lavender Passion says:
Great band page!
May 23, 2009
FunkyFairyAnnie says:
May 23, 2009
FunkyFairyAnnie says:
awesome page
May 23, 2009
oklahomadawn says:
wonderful scrap 10+cp
May 22, 2009
pmrmoncada says:
What a great page! Awesome!
May 22, 2009
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