410 points (current score) Uploaded: Aug 22, 2008  
Viewed 1297 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Koda is a Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix. He's about 8 wks old in this picture.

Thanks for looking & your votes!
Design credits:
Kit: Get Doggy by Irene V. Alexeeva
Alphas: Hot Brass by Marie Stones
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.

Comments for this page: (view all 37 comments)
PamelaROSE says:
VERY CUTE LIL PUP with those Paul Newman eyes WHOA!
Mar 27, 2009
Claudia says:
10+10 challenge points! Wonderful page!! Hugs..Claudia
Mar 26, 2009
scrapitude says:
how adorable! and love his eyes! 10+10
Mar 26, 2009
trishie says:
sooo cute 10cp
Mar 26, 2009
MaxiDesigns says:
Awwww, so cute, love Koda's blue eyes. My dog as a puppy had blue eyes also, now that she is going on 13, just a tinge of blue left in one eye. Hope Koda keeps his blue eyes, adorable dog. 10 + 10
Mar 25, 2009
fidoline says:
Cute Puppy and amazing layout
Nov 14, 2008
time4scrapping says:
Beautiful puppy! 10+10
Oct 26, 2008
AuntSarah says:
Very cute dog!!!!
Oct 22, 2008
kezcreates says:
aawwwwwwwwwwww so cute!
Sep 24, 2008
christieandjoshuasmom says:
So cute!
Sep 22, 2008
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