Challenge Owner's Choice 360 points (current score) Uploaded: Apr 2, 2008  
Viewed 3300 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I did this page for the Challenge: Over 40 Years Married to the Same Person. It's hard to put it all on one page, I will do another page if we can and describe more; it will be about doing things together as a family with the children and Faith in God!! p.s. Jerry and I met on a Blind Date, so they DO work!! hee We have had some Ruff times; but it only brought us closer together!!!!
Design credits:
Scrapbook Max with Flair upload:
Photos: Family members, Kodak, 35mm
Kit: Purple Passion Full Kit & NEW Transparent Commerical Overlays All by:

Comments for this page: (view all 39 comments)
Tmyers810 says:
I saw this page in one of the chalenges, it is so good:)
Oct 25, 2008
Daisybelle says:
Lovely page 10+10
Oct 25, 2008
trishie says:
beautiful 10cp
Oct 25, 2008
Ferro says:
Oct 25, 2008
Roniiv says:
Fabulous page 10+10cp for COC Challenge
Jul 19, 2008
Late_Bloomer says:
Marvelous page !!~ 10 cp for COC !!!~
Jul 17, 2008
Claudia says:
10 challenge points for the Battle of the COCs challenge. SWEET!!!! Hugs..Claudia
Jul 10, 2008
Snug says:
Apr 9, 2008
gypsykate says:
beautiful layout! the twining flowers & leaves seem to embrace the page, soft colors, and you included several photos. you look so good together! how nice the contrast between the nervous-looking bride and groom and the loving couple so comfortable with each other. among all the ingredients of your long-lasting marriage, i love most the continuing romance, dating and couple alone time.
Apr 9, 2008
trishie says:
so beautiful 10cp
Apr 8, 2008
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