Book of Shadows -- Goddesses Challenge 1
There are a number of aspects that the Goddess is seen in. Most of these fall under an archtype and are found in various cultures with a number of names. In this challenge, ther 1st in what will be a series of challenges I would like us to share images of the Goddess, the Mother.
Challenge Requirements:
1 - New pages only poste after the start of this challenge.

2 - One Goddess per page

3 - Must contain*:
journaling infromation on why she is a MOTHER Goddess
clearly visible name of Goddess
clear statement of culture or country of origin
image of the Goddess

*If these 4 items are not present the page will be removed without notice.

This is a public challenge and everyone is welcome to post pages, as long as they are not disparaging to anyones beliefs.

I am posting this challenge in conjuction with the Group - Create a Book of shadows.

I can't wait to see all your beautiful pages!

Blessed Be, Dark Moon Lilly
Challenge Starts: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 7:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 11:00 PM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 2
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
(Vote totals will be viewable after voting ends.)
Vote Starts: Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 12:00 PM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
Dark Moon Lilly
To activate sending challenge members a message click here.
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Posted: Oct 11, 2008
145 challenge points
2nd Place
Goddess Durga
Goddess Durga
Posted: Oct 8, 2008
127 challenge points
6 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in Book of Shadows -- Goddesses Challenge 1 challenge 
Challenge Discussion
Topic TitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
Moon goddess cs7580 3 Oct 15, 2008
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