What changed most when you had your baby?
This challenge is to scrap photographs that illustrate a change (before and after) your little bundle of joy was born. Maybe you were always dressed like a model before, now you are a jeans mommy. Maybe your home was always showroom ready...now with a toddler...LOL. Have fun with this challenge. It can be funny - or serious.

This challenge is to scrap pictures of your immediate family (preferably). You can do this as a gift for a family member if you'd like.

If possible, please include some journaling. Note, this is NOT a requirement; some pictures just speak for themselves.

Sorry, no prizes on this challenge, beyond having FUN!
Challenge Requirements:
Challenge Requirements:

1) Must be a family unit and there "should" be a before and after picture.

I realize there are many different combinations of families out there and don't want to exclude anyone. I put my page out there as an example (Slower Steps).

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHANGE; I did not realize the before picture might be an issue for those people without scanners. So, if you can't find a before picture, or don't have a scanner you can capture the change through your picture, journaling and page setup.

2) Each member should be polite and should vote for each challenge member. We are not here to win - but to enjoy our time together.
Challenge Starts: Thursday, November 8, 2007 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Sunday, November 25, 2007 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
Vote Starts: Thursday, November 8, 2007 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Sunday, November 25, 2007 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
Erie Scrapper
To activate sending challenge members a message click here.
kerri kitten
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Slower Steps
Slower Steps
Posted: Nov 8, 2007
159 challenge points
2nd Place
Our Path, This Child
Our Path, This Child
Posted: Nov 9, 2007
96 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
And baby makes 4
And baby makes 4
Posted: Nov 8, 2007
75 challenge points
7 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in What changed most when you had your baby? challenge 
Challenge Discussion
Topic TitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
What to do? Erie Scrapper 0 Nov 8, 2007
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