About this scrapbook page:
these are pictures of me and my friends at college. our major is telecomunication engineering. we are the only girls from 70 students in our major at college, so we always stick together.
I hope our friendship will never last.

Comments for this scrapbook page:
Nadia in Oz says:
You are making very many good memories for the future, so appreciate all your friends that you make when you are still young.
Nadia in Perth, Western Australia
Oct 22, 2009
Nadia in Oz says:
You are making very many good memories for the future, so appreciate all your friends that you make when you are still young.
Nadia in Perth, Western Australia
Oct 22, 2009
Nadia in Oz says:
You are making very memories for the future so appreciate all your friends that you make when you are young.
Nadia in Perth, Western Australia
Oct 22, 2009
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