Comments for this scrapbook page:
Liz MX says:
I respect you and your pages, but I think you have published them in the incorrect web site; at SBF you can only find friendly people for share many moments in our lifes; as Verony says world is so crazy now, so people of different countries sharing some in commun is wonderful.
Aug 28, 2009
Liz MX says:
I respect your point of view, but I do not share it. Scrapbooking means to trim photos, memories with the aim of conserving them for a long time; only for fun. (I'm wrong?)I believe that all here we have eyes, brain, soul, spirit. but nobody creates controversiales pages because we have learned to coexist sincerely, we have different nationalities, beliefs, families, religions
Aug 28, 2009
Sacha0606 says:
I agree with you,Verony! and I THANK YOU for this word:TOLERANCE!!!Too much people doesn't know or understand this word because TO HAVE TOLERANCE= to use our brain and to see,to understand and to act!To talk to the wind is easy but it's not to act and it's leave the responsability!
Aug 28, 2009
*** Verony*** says:
I think we all see,act,and have a brain,day in day out,on the news tv everywhere you look the world has gone crazy and is in a shocking mess,and some of us try the best we can to fix it.But some things you can not change like Diversity.It's good you have a voice but we all walk a different path i can respect the path your on can you respect mine?It's called Tolerance. great page

Aug 28, 2009
Sacha0606 says:
Why do you say that?You know it's not true!
Aug 27, 2009
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