Joined: Oct 20, 2006
Last Logon: May 7, 2010
Jazzymo's Home Page
I love taking photographs, mostly family and travel. I've joined the 50+ club and feel the need to document all that life brings my way!
I have 3 children, and 4 grandchildren. I'm a newlywed (June 29, 2008) as you can probably tell from my scrapbooks. I can't believe I first found this site in 2006. I've been receiving email from "Scrapbook Flair" faithly and answered their offer to upgrade from a basic membership. I'm glad I did! I finally looked at the interesting things the site has to offer. My first scrapbook was submitted July 13, 2009 and the encouragement I received from other members was extremely motivating. I'M HOOKED!!!
Jazzymo is from
Philadelphia, PA, USA
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