Joined: Sep 26, 2006
Last Logon: Jan 14, 2011
Jozie's Home Page
I was born and bred in South Africa and have two beautiful children. I discovered a love of scrapbooking through a friend at work and bought every little scrapping gadget I could find but just never found the time to actually sit down and scrap. Imagine my excitement at discovering digital scrapping. I have cut my teeth on a couple of pages of my Godson / Great nephew and just can't wait to get going on some pages of my own kids, I have two boxes of photo's which need to be scrapped a.s.a.p. At least the digital scrapping alows one to sneak in a little down time when it is quiet at work and at home when kids are in bed(not a word to the bosses though!).
Jozie is from
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa