Joined: Aug 29, 2008
Last Logon: Nov 8, 2008
misscindee's Home Page
Well, I am disabled, so if I am not having to lay down I am at the computer. My Stepson & his new wife Clare just had their first child. A beautiful little girl. I started two scrapbooks. One for her and one for him.That was 18 months ago. I hope do get them done by the time she starts school.:-) He is a Major in the Army Rangers and went to collage at Norwitch Military Univ. in Vermont. He started talking about going into the Military when he was 9yrs. old. And not just inlist. He wanted to be an Officer. He is a person that goes for a dream and get's it. I am so very proud of him and Clare. They are really going places in life.
misscindee is from
wesley chapel, FL, USA