Under 500 points!!
RULES: Please read before posting a page! ********************************************** #1 - only ONE page per member. If you don't follow this rule, all extra pages will be removed. #2 - Pages must be 2 wks old at a minimum to be posted in this group. **********************************************
I see there is a 500 pts and over group, so I thought I'd make a 500 pts and under one!! The goal here is to get all the pages posted in the group OVER 500 points!
So after posting your page PLEASE go and vote for all the others!
I am going to have a limit of ONE page per person just so the task of voting does not become too overwhelming. Then once your page is over 500 pts you can post it in the other group! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!!! =)
This group is public
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