Prayer Concerns and Requests
Hi All,
Sometimes I see prayer requests on pages and thought it would be great to have a group specifically for this. Often requests are centered around physical illness, but there are many reasons we might need prayer, including prayers of celebration! Prayer is often spoken, but making a page and focusing time and energy on it is a prayer in itself!
If you'd like to submit a page and prayer request I just ask these few things:
-Some loved ones won't want their concerns published on the web, so be mindful of that. You can use nicknames or symbols and be general with the reason if needed. -Please pray for the others in the group. -Keep the group updated on your request. If the person/people are no longer in need of prayer let me know so I can remove the page if the group gets really big (maybe we can add a group for answered prayers). -Please make requests only for people you know personally.
I do hope that this group is a blessing to all who join and visit.
This group is public
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