Better Than Expected
Have you ever had a page that you didn't think was really all that great but after you uploaded it to SBF it shot to the top of you list? Well, that's what this group is all about, sharing those unexpected great pages!
As a way to help each other out, and create more great pages, I would love to see people leaving comments for others in this group about why you think this page did so well.
Because of this, please do not have more than 5 pages in the group at a time... you may remove your own pages whenever you feel you would like and add more or I will come back every now and then to remove any pages which are older than 2 weeks. You may repost the same pages if you'd like.
There are no point requirments, just go by how you feel about your page.
I hope everyone has some fun here and learns a little something!
This group is public
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