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Thought I would start a group for black & white pages and images. I love black & white and shades of grey. They look so dramatic. You can have touches of colour in your pages but the main theme is black & white. You can share new & old pages here. I will select a group owner's choice every couple of weeks. Look forward to seeing your pages.
2/14/2024 4:07 PM
Please post your tributes to our Dear Friend Lori here
8/25/2021 8:25 PM
I would love for us to share our vintage pages with our SBF friends and community!! Hugs to you all! Cant wait to see your pages here!!
3/19/2020 3:56 PM
Let's put on our thinking caps and create some Fantasy pages. Have some fun too!! Hugs xxx ♥
3/16/2020 12:38 AM
Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a fascinating art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well being. Please use anything out there on the net to create your pages. That's what I did. Hopefully, you all are not joining this group because of that. I should have specified this from the start, sorry.
3/11/2020 4:29 PM
I really do miss all the groups we use to have on this site!! I know most of the old group members are no longer on here. I would like to help offer more groups similar to the ones we had before! If anybody else would like to help by opening new groups as well please do!!! This group is to share any pages that are scenic...such as nature scenes or any actual scene created! Please have fun with this and lets share our pages that dont always fit in a challenge! Thats what community is for!! To support each others creations and talents! Hugs, littlepixel/Shannon
3/10/2020 4:11 PM
I really miss the active groups we use to have on here!! This is a group to share pages with each other and have the chance to comment and support our friends scrapbooking. Any pages but please take the time you guys to comment and vote for other pages and your friends.
1/17/2020 3:11 PM
Looks like we don't have many groups anymore to share our pages in. Sooo...I have decided to add this group. Each member can post one page a week. 7 days from your last weekly post
1/17/2020 2:55 PM
8/18/2016 7:22 PM
7/3/2016 8:24 AM
Please add your Get Well Wishes Cards here so she can view in one place, while she is recovering from her Back Surgery which she had today, 11-20-2015. Let's put a smile on her face and let her know we are thinking of her!!! Thanks!!!
11/20/2015 4:13 PM
This group is to show off some metal detecting finds.
8/11/2015 7:14 AM
Any one that love doing scraps of Dogs ????
8/5/2015 5:33 AM
Welcome to this new group for those who want to experiment in a different artsy style but without, perhaps, going the whole hog! This isn't a group for traditional scrapbooking pages of children & family activities, nor for lots of CT pages, there are other groups for those. It's a group where you can post your experimental pages in this artsy but whacky style whilst honing your skills & producing pages that are not tied to any particular designer but show that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and giving the artsy theme a go.I'd love to see stories being told pictorially, lots of blending, texture & layers of stuff going on in the background as well as use of effects & techniques.Use the kits you have differently, mix & blend papers, add sketch, comic book etc., effects on elements & images.Most of all, enjoy, tell us a bit about your page & please give credits. I'm planning a series of arty challenges, so put your new thinking caps on now, all will be welcome.Have fun!
6/30/2015 1:55 PM
Please post all your pages made with itKuPiLLi Kits in here so we can all look at once again and add too as we make new pages to this group!!! I just love her kits as I know you do too!!! Another Very Talented Designer!!
6/7/2015 10:50 PM
Foxeysquirrel (Teddi) is a well known & very clever digital artist who has recently started designing her own kits. I'm a big fan of her work and would love to see pages made using her kits posted in this group so that we get the chance to see how everyone uses her kits and to be inspired. Thank you and enjoy, Pauline
6/1/2015 10:53 AM
Our friend Pelle is going through a bit of a bad time - please do a page for him and cheer him up. Mary and Joce NZ
5/5/2015 6:51 PM
Are you trying to create a Life Book for someone? A little different than scrapbooks, a Life Book documents a foster child's life - the good, the bad & the not-talked-about - and it's age appropriate for them now. They're becoming more and more popular - some states even require social workers to create them for all their charges. So if you're a foster parent (bless you!), adoptive parent/family, social worker, counselor, person recruited by one of the former because you're the 'artsy, scrapbook' person, or anyone else trying to create one of these books - please post them here. I'm hoping this will become a resource, too. Where do you find elements appropriate for a page describing the day the police came to take you away? How do you explain to a 4 year old that 'old mom and dad' are in jail for 98 years for what they did to you? Life Books are not scrapbooks. They're reality, and reality can be hard to scrap.
3/22/2015 9:04 PM
3/2/2015 5:47 PM
This group is for anyone scrapping about civic groups or volunteering - Scouts/Guides, Exchange Club, Kiwanis, AOH/LAOH, volunteering at a soup kitchen, clothing drives, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, etc. Scrapping the same event year after year can get boring - it's my hope that this group will provide inspiration for future pages. And it's nice to know that there are still good people willing to help others, taking an active role to improve your communities - even here in Detroit.
2/24/2015 12:29 AM
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