Do you belive in new year's resolution? if so, which is you top resolution for 2007? in not, what is your approach to a new year? Share with us, let's learn from eachother!

. Nayyan Chandler says:

Jan 9, 2007
. Nayyan Chandler says:
ups, sorry for the errors in my typing, did it fast...but still meant it! LOL
Dec 29, 2006
MisticaDesigns says:
hello nayyan,
a wonderful question because everything is getting so hectic around us that we are going to lose our the roots.
i think i start working too much and don´t care much about myself - so in the new year i will start my hobby "nordic walking" again. i thought about three times a week but, may be two i can do it :-) then i will spend some more time with my husband and try to enjoy the moments :-) hope i find time to make some scraps
very good start into the new year to all of you!
Dec 30, 2006
. Nayyan Chandler says:
Hi everyone! I do believe in resolutions. Even if we don't make them a 100% reality during the year. I think it helps us focus on what our priorities are. My goals are to organize my time better (home, kids, school, pc, exercise, etc), to loose the "baby weight" and to finish school. I wish you all a wonderful new year and that you may have the perseverance, strength and motivation to make each one of your resolutios a reality. Thank you for posting! (if you read this after Jan 1st, please post anyways, your opinion is important and we all want to learn from eachother) Chao for now!
Dec 30, 2006
bekahs says:
HI All!!!

I really struggle with New Years Resolutions...with the top one being losing weight...I always end up getting down on myself when I don't keep the resolutions....
Jan 2, 2007
. Nayyan Chandler says:
yea bekahs, I understand...but we need to keep trying! don't give up...there is nothing perfect..we can only keep trying. So, power to you and if you mess up, get it together again and move along...try again and again. We are beings of habit and when we try enough times we end up getting use to it and it becomes a part of who we our eating habits. Have a wonderful day! (if you need help with knowing what to eat let me know, I'm studing to be a nutritionist and might be able to help :)

Jan 2, 2007
Rae Ann says:
I used to make resolutions on January 1st every year. However, I have now decided that any time of the year is a good time to make a resolution to change or improve. The key is to stick with it. But don't get down on yourself if you need to cheat sometimes. I try to work my resolutions into my routine day to day activities. So, when I am on vacation or on the weekend it is okay to take a break or cheat a little.
Jan 9, 2007
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