Creating Kits

PhotoNut says:
I have been scrap booking with other members kits but want to try creating my own kit. Is there a tutorial that will teach me how? Class to take? Where do you begin?
Jan 4, 2009
novice@it says:
I want to know the answer to this as well, if you find out please let me know. Thanks.
Jul 1, 2007
IsaiahsxMama says:
Same here. I found a TON of people who have made the most amazing pages. Mine look like poop compared to theirs. I wanna know the trick!
Jul 1, 2007
NellieBell says:
Did anyone ever get an answer to this? I wouldlike to know also.
Oct 4, 2007
momykitty says:
so do i

Oct 16, 2007
Aisle of Dreams says:
Same here.
Oct 16, 2007
dedamikija says:
It is more the artistic/designer problem then the technical one. You can make any element with any image editing program. I use Paint.NET, it's free. Better (and more complex) one is GIMP, also free. But the creative part must come from your imagination. What is the 'theme', basic colour scheme, how will it relate to photos (col or b&w), how many elements, will they be matching or contrasting... Study other kits, sketch your ideas on paper fist and then digitize them with the program you use. (either draw them from scratch, or use and combine some basic elements that you already have. any picture can be reworked into a scrapbook element)
Oct 19, 2007
dedamikija says:
P.S. I use Irfanview for file conversion (gif files for transparency, important for embellishments)
Oct 19, 2007
JoJoDsign says:
I am new to Scrapbooking and I really enjoy it, but I am not very good. Although I was a graphic designer for over 15 years the one thing that I've learned so far is that it's not like graphic designing at all. I use Photoshop 7, Photoshop CS2, and Image Ready. These are the software that give me the most freedom to make any changes that I want and it's a lot faster for me. I use JPG, GIF, PNG, and PSD files. I also like to manipulate some of my photos, so I am open to any suggestions anyone might have. Thanks
Jan 14, 2008
loza2008 says:
hi iam a new member
Feb 3, 2008
cbl3mom says:
I would love to know the answer as well as I used other people's kits for personal use, but would love to make my own.

I have a few programs, but only know how to fix pictures, not make kits.

Apr 18, 2008
hazelm says:
Hi I am new here also, I have been scrapbooking on paper for 2 years and only just decided to try digital scrapbooking!
May 9, 2008
Minivanmom says:
Hi, I am new to scrapbooking and want to try it. My hubby gave me photoshop elements 6, can't figure out if I can make my own album pages using templates or need a new program?
May 14, 2008
tina6537 says:
Hp offers a tutorial class on they go into good detail on how to create differnet things. They use photoshop elements in this tutorial.
May 25, 2008
kristi36 says:
Hi I am new to scrapbooking just started several months ago. people are talking about kits for scrapbooking and i dont know what that is. All i have to use is Scrapbook Flair and my HP Photosmart, I also go online and find pictures and borders and save to my computer to use. Is this cheating or is this how you do it. I would really like to know the proper way to scrapbook.
Jun 12, 2008
CMS53 says:
No,it's not cheating as long as you give credit to the designers.I started of using the SBF software as well but now use mainly Serifpp11.I also use paint.NET(free download)andPhotofiltre(free download).Different progs are better at different things.If you read the forums,you'll get some really good advice and tuts.from different members,that's how I'm learning(slowly)
Jun 28, 2008
seaview says:
Hi i am also interested in making my own kits,so thanks for any advice given on these pages
Aug 21, 2008
funkygirl23 says:
hi!i am new to the community! i also want to know how to create my own kit. i also the thing kristy36 does.any help from you will be much appreciated!thanks
Aug 30, 2008
digi addict says:
I am using adobe cs2 and Photoimpact 12. They make real wonders. As long as you know how to use their tools, you can make your own kits. Adobe has so many free tutorials on the net. Just browse them. Once you got use to your editing programs, all you need is a lot of practice, patience, creativity and imagination. Good Luck!
Sep 8, 2008
Jovilady says:
Hi i am new here and stuppled across this site i have never done scrapbooking but see it alot. I need and like to learn from scratch what to do, what program you need etc.
Oct 21, 2008
Sooze says:
Check our the forums here on will find the answers to most of your questions there.
Dec 5, 2008
chellesbelle says:
I am new here. Is there any programs available free that anyone knows of that will modify the pictures and make them fade into backgrounds. I don't know if I am expressing it correctly I just see peoples pages and some of the pictures look wisp or embedded in.

I know you can do it with photoshop but I am unable to obtain that right now.

Jan 4, 2009
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