New and last Topic
Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate says:
You can forgive the precedent topic and my mail. The decision to close or not the page is now under decision of scrapbookflair site . If you want more explanations ask to Sacha0606, her last private mp will be private forever . And don't worry-smile- Sometimes people acts strangely, perhaps with or without bad intentions .Sacha Was really a friend . Perhaps words are sometimes difficult to read( for me )because they hurt so deeply the who you love. SO Chapter closed . Tomorrrow is another day . Keep this site clean , have a lot of friends and make again all your charming pages . Happy scrapping to all Jan Cheers .
Aug 24, 2009
Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate says:
Update :
REALLY closed this evening . Thanks to the site Scrapbookflair .
Happy scrapping to all .. as usual . Cheers . J & N
Aug 24, 2009
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