For who asked me about "tubes "

Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate says:
Many ways for having a "tube" don't know the word you use in english seems the same , For keeping a part of a picture, personnaly I just use photofiltre (free )
You open the picture where you want to put another, for example you want to put a woman in a room, Two pictures opened.You choose tool "Lasso" or "polygone" more precision, you choose the woman part to keep until your tracing is "clignoting" ?. Then you choose copy with mouse, you take the second pic the room , ...
Mar 25, 2009
Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate says:
... With your mouse you make a copy and a paste of your woman in pic of room then "collage options " you set transparency from1 to 5 usually for having a fine result , you can resize , distort, when it's ok for you you juste validate .(you can remove with mouse) but often save the work. By the way a real TUBE is made with PSP format png like embelishements of scrap softs but needs to be patient or to use PSP in principal tool .( because must learn about rasters, erase tool etc.. So I make this with photofiltre (you can search for "Tutos" in google too ) Naelle
Mar 25, 2009
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