Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate says:
Believe always in the power of prayers ... I've read a book by Marcelle Auclair , a very old book now , in french : la recette du bonheur ; she told a true story where somebody phones her to make a prayer chain for a woman who was near death , so she phones to friends, they phones other friends and ... miracle ! ( doctors can say that don't exist.. that happens ! The woman don't die and was getting well soon . Hope my english is not too bad for telling you this .* But every day, please pray ( I know so much people needs , praying for the world going better ! all we know and all the others ) Naelle Some don't beleive in God , But they can send "positives things " Power of sending positives is great too ( We called this first in France "Methode Coué " ) Very powerful when you make "visual relaxation " Sorry to write too much !! Be positive ( or try sometimes it's difficult ) ! Luv ya Naelle
Mar 2, 2009