We need a Tutorials group for us Newbies

Truckin Granni says:
Hi all,
Im, new to this digital scrapbooking too, but totally addicted,lol. Would love to see some tutorials on this,from putting together pages to design help in our creative software.Trying to learn on my own,but dificult,lol, creativity is there, but editing skills lack, lol. any help? I have Adobe Photoshop 7.0, thxxxx

Aug 28, 2010
sassysoaphie says:
I'm brand new to, I don't have a clue whats going on, but I'm ready to learn. i don't have a photo editing program yet, they all look so confuceing, as soon as i can find one that has step-by-step directions in english, i'll buy one. any suggestions??
May 30, 2007
pdhompas says:
yeh,I'm new too,don't have the slightest idea what I'm doin but what to do some cool things with my pics and have no idea about the files because I sure can screw up files.I hate them but know they are neccessary I guess lol.
Jun 1, 2007
princeza says:
You can search online about free Digital Scrapbooking tutorials and stuff. There are bunch of infos about it and they're easy to learn, too.
Jun 6, 2007
maryewbutler says:
I am all about the tutorials. I am very new and have not even done a page yet. Any help or tips or tricks please let me know. Thanks-

Jun 6, 2007
momykitty says:
i am new too and i presently do more photomontage and sort of painting whith photoshop in english its hard for me and "bidouille et bricolage retouche"=french experiments ...and having great fun
overlays and brushes are completly unknown
even using psd layout is a mystery
but i download freebies to feed my colour hunger and it feeds me
but its limit orgiac!!!!!
excuses if my english is approximativ
Jul 11, 2007
Jensters says:
Im new too and have been on here all day today trying to work my way around everything.....not much luck !
Jul 15, 2007
spanish scrapper says:
I am new to scrapping,but pretty experienced in photoshop, so if any of you have any queries, please drop me a message and I'll try and help
Jul 16, 2007
Delicia says:
Ditto! I would love some help! I've been creating dvd slideshows for ages and wanted to spice them up. Wow are there some great scrapbook pages on here. This is sooo addicting. I can't wait to dig in to more.

I have never stuck to just one program. I kind of bounch around, or use elements in several different programs. I did discover a new program I love. I don't know if naming it would be advertising and/or how that is dealt with here, but it just came and I've been working on a zoo scrapbook. I'll post it when I'm done so anyone can tell me if they see the difference from what I posted earlier?

I'm seriously open to constructive critiques. I feel I would only benefit from the suggetions.
Jul 16, 2007
scrappy-ladyb says:
Hi , I also am new here and have been doing psp for some time. I was wondering if I could do better using psp as I am so used to it. I have also been trying to down load some of the free templates but keep getting message that I need encrypted password. I don't have a clue what it is or how to find it. Guess I need help.
Jul 17, 2007
svea1 says:
Hi all. I am pretty good at the different programs. I teach beginning digital scrapbooking as well as regular scrapbooking so if you need help with things I would be more than willing to help. The only program I am not real familiar with is Photoshop. But I have Photoshop Elements so am learing to use it also.
Jul 22, 2007
tnsweetie says:
I'm new to this also. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. I am addicted to this scrapbooking. It is so much fun. Thanks for everyones help. TnSweetie
Jul 25, 2007
Keturah says:
HI I am very new at this and I posted a couple of pages, they are really quite plain. I am using Photoshop 5.5 and my digital camera. When I look at the wonderful pages some people put out I do wonder if I will ever get there.
Jul 30, 2007
neeewbie norm says:
Hi, I am new to this. I am truly addicted . I do not have psp i have printshop 22 microsoft picture it i also have many others. I just downloaded freestone but, since i have no idea what to do lol.
I would like some tutorials about working with templates tutorial on any subjects after all if they pertain to scrapbooking I' m in.
p.s did download psp trial version but i haven' t tried it yet help! help!
Jul 31, 2007
vroon1188 says:
You all can look on this site: http://www.scrap-gratuit.fr/, there is a lot to find of everyting.

Have a nice day.

Aug 12, 2007
Tangyheart says:
Hi I am really lost I use PSP8 so any help would be appreciated. I would really love to learn Thanks
Aug 19, 2007
Gab says:
I do agree that a beginners tutorial would be fantastic, the ones I have seen seem to be based on certain programmes which not everyone has. Also as one gets older it is harder to shift to a new programme (my work area is covered with sticky notes)
Just basic stuff would be great like sizing in pixels for uploading etc.
Aug 22, 2007
trekkiedrew says:
Hey there, im a newbie too, well at least to this digital stuff!! Ive been scrapping the old fashioned way for a number of years but just barely started this digital stuff!! Ive only done 2 pages but they are pretty simple!! I want to learn how to mat photos and where to get more advanced embellies!!
Sep 4, 2007
NellieBell says:
Hi TG,

I definately agree with you. There is a need for a tutorial group. Have you suggested it to the website? Some of these pages just blow me away and I am sure they are not easy to learn. Did you ever get a response from anyone on specifics as to who or where to find tutorials. I could do a google on it but that can take forever...you know how that goes.
Oct 4, 2007
LivLuvLaf says:
Okaaaayyyyy..... I see here that I am noe the only one. Has anyone found any help!? Any tuorials for photo editing?? I am using a very basic editor but would like to buy something thast can be for newbies to advanced but MUST HAVE A TUTORIAL any suggestions links etc???
Oct 15, 2007
Aisle of Dreams says:
Someone should Google "free online digital scrapbooking tutorials" or " photo editing tutorials" or even for specific programs and find some good stuff and post the urls here for all of us. I volunteer, but here in Ghana my Internet connection literally crawls! But I will do what I can with what I have! Any one else wanna help?
Oct 16, 2007
dedamikija says:
I started a few months ago here. First, I studied the work of others. There are quite a few different stiles that scrapers use. Some are very simple and other are quite complicated requiring expertise in photo-editing. I browsed the Net and found a lot of freebies. I joined 'PrincessCraft' ($5 a month), they have a tutorial '101 lessons..' a couple of (pdf) books (I can email one to you) and a gazillion of elements, templates and backgrounds. I can learn technique, but whether I can make a page like 'PascaleA,' 'momykitty', 'marsmella', 'danic', 'gypsykate', 'tina's creations' and 'misslilly' remains to be seen. Some things one can not learn, they come from within.
Oct 19, 2007
Kim Shaw says:
Hi I am new to this as well and I on am totally confused..the SBF loaded on hubby side and on my side of the puter it wouldnt load..I am trying to get the images that are on my side go to his so I can make my pages..Also I figured out a little bit but I cant seem to find the photos on SBF program..I am clicking on add images and cant find them to add to the page..
Oct 19, 2007
azureblue says:
I just started a couple of months ago. so everything is new to me. Look forward to learning a lot.
Oct 24, 2007
strassburger says:
I am very this also. I hope learn a lot whith your, and I'm very happy for make part off this group. (Sorry, I not speake English very well... I leran too...).
A great Scrap begin whit a beatifull photo, then... lets go!!! Enjoin!!!

Oct 30, 2007
Flowerpot says:
I am also new and still trying to work out what I am doing, I have been at it just over 2 weeks I think and hope I am making progress. Everyone has beautiful page,
Nicky in New Zealand.
Nov 6, 2007
next chapter says:
How do I make my own embellishments?
Nov 7, 2007
arhebabill says:
I use this site Photoimpact International Board,try them out they have Scrapbooking tuts and all kinds of help,all you have to do is join the PII Board all free
I also use photoimpact by ulead for my photo editng projects a great program
here is the link to the PII Board

just copy and paste that link to go to it
Nov 7, 2007
Mami's Place says:
I am new to digital scrapbooking but I have been reading up on how to do various things. I hope to start one over the holidays as my first project. So I will be checking in from time to time and will upload my first page as soon as i get it done. Wish me luck.
Nov 14, 2007
connie249 says:
Here are a few URLs that have some tutorials...
the first link is an awesome site...

A list of sites with tutorials...

Photo Program tutorials

I hope this helps out!
Nov 19, 2007
tonithetigress69 says:
Connies links are an excellent source to find titorials. Thank you very much Connie!
Nov 29, 2007
vunhome says:
Hi.. I'm new too and addicted to it. I'm so glad I've found Scrapbook flair.
Dec 17, 2007
Scrappin' Aunt says:
Hi im kinda new to digital scrapping. I have done about a dozen pages of non digital work. But digital also looks like fun. I have photoshop 7 and my husband is willing to help. What a guy!!
but negotiating the websites is not easy. Some of it is confusing. I keep saving pages in my favorites but i may never get them untangled
Jan 13, 2008
nana bowman says:
Hi everyone..I just found thid site. LOVE IT! I am a photographer and use photoshop cs2 but know photoshop 7 well so if anyone needs help let me know.
Jan 18, 2008
crzygirlygurl says:
Hi! i`m new here also! i have psp 7 ,8 & 9..lol and have no idea where to start! please help! Thanx!
Jan 20, 2008
LulaScraps says:
I found this site very helpful when I started out...


Jan 27, 2008
SweetAngel62 says:
Hi, I'm new here too. I would love to learn how to do digital scrapbook and learn where I can take some embellishment and background. I have take some on this site but some I can't have because it's for sale. So, is there any way I could get some. Thank you all and enjoy yourself like I will enjoy myself and this scrapbooking. Bye bye
May 26, 2010
SuziKatz says:
I use Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist 2, and am also a member of Daisy Trail. They have some excellent tutorials relating to this program, but I'm sure they would also work with other programs as well. Not sure if you have to be a member to view the tutorials or not, but here is the link:

Also, on YouTube, I have found these:

Or do a search for "digital scrapbooking tutorials". There are lots for different programs.
Aug 28, 2010
SuziKatz says:
I use Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist 2, and am also a member of Daisy Trail. They have some excellent tutorials relating to this program, but I'm sure they would also work with other programs as well. Not sure if you have to be a member to view the tutorials or not, but here is the link:

Also, on YouTube, I have found these:

Or do a search for "digital scrapbooking tutorials". There are lots for different programs.
Aug 28, 2010
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