A personal note for Claudine

Ferro says:
Some of you prefer to write a persomnal note to Claudine instaed of making a page.Please feel free to do so, here.. Thanks.
Jan 9, 2009
Memekathy says:
Sorry to hear about your loss. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Remember all the wonderful times and things. Keep her close to your heart. Time is the only thing that heals a broken heart and its a long road. Just be strong and hold your chin up. Thinking of you, MemeKathy
Jan 5, 2009
Ann72 says:
To lose a mother is the saddest of all, no matter how old we are!
Lost my mother 2007 and it left a big hole in my heart.
Want to support you in thought and words!
Keep your head up and time will help to feel better!
Hugs Ann
Jan 5, 2009
Trixi's Digi-Scraps says:
Dear Claudine,
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Having lost 2 loved ones recently to cancer, I know that one can never be prepared when the day arrives even if it was expected. I also know that knowing the loved one is relieved from the cancer agony is not much comfort for your own loss. But if you keep her alive in your heart, she will always be there. Remember, she is not really dead, she's just gone... a person is only really dead when she is forgotten.

You are in our thoughts & prayers.

Kind regards & God bless
Jan 6, 2009
momykitty says:
chere Claudine mes pensées t'accompagnent bien sur son depart est une delivrance mais rien ne remplace la vraie presence
et les regrets de ne pas avoir ete plus proches plus souvent....avant
puisse l'an Neuf neanmoins t'apporter aussi son lot de joies bon courage
Jan 6, 2009
Lisadee says:
Dear Claudine,

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother ... I cannot begin to imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.
My heart hurts for you ... I am thinking of you too, hugs Lisa
Jan 6, 2009
Claudine says:
Thanking all of you with all my heart for your most beautiful pages. I am very touched to know that you took the time to make a page for me. They have given me great comfort. Thank you to Ferro too for starting the group. You are so kind.Hugs to you all Claudine.
Jan 9, 2009
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