What statements irritate or offend you?

~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
I have a list of things people have said to me that I either find offensive or trully tick me off. I was wondering if each of you have your own list, if so maybe posting the saying and the reason why you felt that way would help us all converse more openly without fear of offending or angering.
Sep 19, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
1. Feeling the need to tell me I am going to Hell everytime I converse with you.(generality no finger pointing :)

I understand that when you feel strongly about one's faith you want to share and help others "see the light", but continuosly barraging someone with threats of damnation is not going to turn that light on

2. Assuming that I have never read or that I do not own the Holy Bible.

Just because someone follows a Pagan path does not mean they are not acquainted with the Bible or that they do not have one in their home. I know that personaly speaking, I own many religous texts and do study each of them intently.

3. Your either with "us" or against us.

How so? This is one of the quickest ways to set me off, I am not against anyone. And just who comprises "us". Rapists, murderers or vile people in general yes, everyone else nope. Even then I am against their actions NOT the human being.
Sep 14, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
LOL Leah theres lots of things that set me off i could give you a whole list but i wont.A few things that drive me crazy one when people say they do have tolerance but they really dont.I sometimes feel people dont realize they really dont accept my faith as i do theres 2 some times people make me feel i need to apologise for my faith.3 people tend to tar us all with the same brush.I support Mala and have done for years now.The Mala way is (The voices of intolerance are all around us Tolerance needs to be louder) I think we all cop it no matter what faith we are.4 People who think you need to go to church to be a good person i have met many good people who have never gone to church.and 5 the big one people who think they have to convert you, they are not happy with the fact that you dont have a problem with your faith or there faith they have to try and convert you to theres,and i dont think you need to read the bible to know right from wrong.
Sep 14, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I have to laugh about the first comment Leah--I have been told more than once that I was going to Hell. The interresting part was that I believe they actually "hoped" that I would be =). When I asked how telling me that would help me "see the light"--I was told basically that If I did not accept Christ (I do accept Christ, but I would not be believed or tolerated on that point) that I was not their "brother" and so they did not need to care 2 cents about me or my salvation. Interresting conversation I assure you.

I have to own up to using the phrase "if you are familiar with the bible." I guess it seemed rude to me to assume everyone was--so I appreciate your point there.

My only list point would be--Please don't assume I intended to offend--I may be ignorant and naive--but none of my words are ever intended to hurt--only to gather or increase understanding. I have found the tone here to be uniquely tolerant and understanding--and have loved learning about all of you.
Sep 14, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
I am a believer in "Your body is your temple", so I can whorship at any time and feel as if I'm honoring those to which I speak and ask of. I have certain rituals and practices that are performed at the altar but I do not limit myself to it.

One of the biggest reasons I started towards my current path was hypocrasy within the churches I attended. Not only that but the double standards that seemed to run rampant as well. What was okay for the geese was never okay for the ganders.
Sep 14, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
I agree with that Leah about the church but i have found it in and out of the church.I have not been to church in years only for weddings and such is about it,my hubby is of no faith,but i have found this in all walks of life and it's sad but true that not everyone can accept others path

.Moon i dont read the bible at all i dont believe you can find the answers to life in the bible.some things i agree with but it contradicts it self to much.

Hestia not everyone is as sweet as you or you Leah and you to moon there are lots of people who think there way is the only way and thats ok to think that to even believe it thats ok,but i have found intolerance in people from all faiths and i have worked with many this is one reason i dont often say what faith i am, there will always be people who judge you on your faith first.
Sep 15, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
Oh, I know all to well Verony that it is not exclusive to inside churches. That was just the turning point in my life to find what path I trully needed to follow. I went to many churches but in the grand scale I saw only a smidgen of them, so I can't judge all by those experiences. I have met fellow Pagans who think in the same judging manor of other faiths so it does not exclude anyone. I was not so open about my faith until more recently, people knew I was "different" but never quite understood the whole picture. Now I walk with pride beacause I know that I am a good person and my faith keeps me stable and provides much happines in my life.
Sep 15, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
I agree Hestia and you make a lot of sense,would be so easy if we were all the same.
leah i to think i'm a good person My Mum always said i was a free spirit i believe in God but not everything that comes with it i believe in a lot of the pagan ways to i believe in the Dalia Lama and his teachings he's a great man..In my Family we have a lot of celtic traditions cant get away from it and i would not want to it's my heritage and we have a pagan history.I think my Mum may have been right i am starting to wonder what i am lol.
Sep 15, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I want one too! =)
Sep 17, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
LOL, he did not! That is too much. Ok now I've heard "Blessed Be" and "Namaste" but never that one.
Sep 18, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
That article was something. I happen to be a Harry Potter fan but my lightsaber doesn't work. I wonder what the problem is? "HmmAlot of crap I think it is..." I loved that! You guys are killing me =)
Sep 19, 2008
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