KarynM says:
incidents after the death of a loved one confirmed for me that the soul is eternal and there is life after this life. ironically it was also this death that made me question all I'd believed and held true.
Sep 9, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
We have experienced things after loved ones passed on that lead me to believe there is life afer death.My faith in God is being tested every day.Even after i lost loved ones,i stell think my self very lucky for the family i stell have here,
Sep 9, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I appreciate all that you guys have shared. I have one--that is a little more light hearted. When I was 16ish I was driving some friends home from a dance. I lived in Washington State--where there are plenty of trees and hills. One of my friends lived at the top of a long winding hill. The street was divided by a median of trees and bushes. I dropped her off--and excellerated quickly to get up to speed and get home on time. Not intending to speed--just get up to 25mph quickly. The road was covered in pine needles and I was an inexperiences driver. When I hit the brakes to slow down--my brakes locked and we found our selves flying towards a very large tree where the road swng to the right. There was no way I could make that turn at the speed I was going. I threw the car to the left--not knowing what was going to be there either. What happened next is the interresting part. Everyone in the car was screaming and praying.
Sep 9, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
My car went flying over the median between two large trees. We then landed in a driveway just inches from a BMW who's owner was standing just inside his door--which was all glass--as was the entire front of the house. We--being silly teenagers--took off--all my friends yelling--get out of here! We hadn't damaged his property though--thankfully. We returned later and saw the tracks from the car where it went through the trees--and where it should have landed. Accross the road was a wall of boulders and a lamp post. The house and driveway we landed in was way down the hill. We knew that we had been lifted somehow and carried safely to that spot. I will never forget that--I knew kids that didn't survive the same sort of incident a few years later. We knew that at least one person in the car was not supposed to die yet--and we had been protected. I knew that it was God--that he was looking our for us--that he is in charge. Many Many experiences have taught me the same lesson.
Sep 9, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
Others may disagree with what I am about to say--but here goes my attempt to answer your questions anyway.
Death is a part of the cycle of life--and It is not a bad thing. I think it is part of the mercy of God to relieve us from this life in the end--not that I think you should give up pursuit of happiness in this life and only look forward to that. I did not mean to imply that my life being spared was necessarily merciful--but that I know God has a plan for me--and the others with me--and we were not done here yet. As I said--there were young kids who did not survive the very same sort of incident just two years later. Good kids from good families.
Sadly--there are really only two ways out of this life--aside from tragic accidents and you mentioned both of them moonsong--cancer and heart failure right?. I have already had cancer--and heart disease is huge in my family history--so one way or another it looks like I am going to die someday =).
Sep 11, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
On to the topics of life's trials and free agency. I believe that we are given opportuinities to grow in character through God given trials. Look to Job for instance--if you are familiar with the Bible. He lost his entire family--his friends turned against him--he lost all of his worldly goods--and yet remained faithful to God--and was blessed for it--by God and by the people who gained strength by watching him go through his experience.
Why are children born to parents who abuse them. The saddest of tragedies. Our divine gift from God and purpose in this life is to make choices for our selves--free agency. God allows us this choice--but for those who silently suffer through this life--the ones who have caused the suffering will not go without paying a price for it. And yet I also believe that God is more forgiving than we tend to be--or give him credit for being. He sees the whole story of the abuesd who turns abuser etc. I know that in the end we will all find peace.
Sep 11, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
So I will end by saying that you are correct moonsong God does not take direct control over our lives and our choices--and yet he is there--he steps in when necessary--and he answeres prayers. He sees all of us--and takes care of our true needs--if not always our wants
Sep 11, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I sympathize with you moonsong. The realities of this life can make faith difficult to even want. And I am with you on the CPS thing. As far as God stepping in--I do know that my life was spared--possibly for the kids I now have--that I always knew I would have someday--who knows. Possibly to have this conversation with you =) I appreciate your frank and open honesty.
I realize that saying the God has a plan for us--and yet does not exercise direct control over us--may seem to contradict eachother. But I have seen to much evidence in my life--that I have been gently directed towards one course--away from another--to not believe it.
As for me--I am grateful to have been born to good parents in a free country! 9/11 today--is injecting me with highly patriotic feelings--and gratitude for my life.
Sep 11, 2008
afton's-mom says:
I think I have always known that there was something more than this life. My parents joined the LDS (Mormon) church when I was 7, so although I remember attending a different church (truly a little white church on a hill), pretty much my formative years where spent in the Mormon church. And that is where I remained. Even before I could understand what a life after this one meant to me or my family, I knew that death in this life couldn't be the end of it...there had to be more learning, or more teaching, or more growing to do. And the thought that I would never see my family again was intolerable to me...I was blessed to have wonderful, open-minded, loving parents and brothers and sisters who are my friends as well as my siblings; and now a loving husband and incredible daughter...so the thought that death was the end of our family was not even an option. But I think the turning point was last year -
Sep 11, 2008
afton's-mom says:
my husband and I have been wanting more children for a while, and it took over a year for me to get pregnant after the birth of our daughter. At about 10 weeks along I started cramping and spotting, I knew what was happening and I was an utter mess. I started to pray to my Heavenly Father about how much we wanted this baby - what wonderful parents we wanted to be and what a wonderful big sister Afton would be...I was begging and pleading for my baby to be saved. I asked my husband for a Husband's Blessing for me and our baby and in the blessing he said that I would be safe and be comforted and that our baby was safe. I felt so much peace, but at the same time so much heartache because I knew that I was still going to lose our baby. I was so mad at my husband and kept thinking "how could he say that?" When we talked about it later he said that he didn't want to say it, he kept pausing because he didn't want to hurt me or give me fals hope, but that he was compelled to tell me
Sep 11, 2008
afton's-mom says:
those things. I did lose the baby, and my heart broke like I have never experienced. But after much more prayer and soul searching I realized that my baby is safe...he (or she) is with our Heavenly Father, and although he didn't get a chance at life on this earth with us, I will be with my child again. And I will have the opportunity to hold him and tell him how loved he is. This was a very personal story that I did not share with many people, as it was so close to my heart, but if sharing my story can ease one person's pain of loss - or help one person come to understand that we are eternal families, then it was worth the pain in tellling.
Sep 11, 2008