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Gerry R.C. Wright says:
This one is inspired by the latest scrap post. In your belief system, how did the world, animals and people come to be?

One of the most logical explainations I've heard came from an LDS friend who said God is "The Master Scientist" and put all the laws of science in to motion to create the world. Was this in a literal 7 days? Could have been, but a day is like 1000 years and 1000 years a day to God, so who is to say?

So what's YOUR story?
Sep 14, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I am a little shocked that no one has answered this one. I am LDS--so you have kind of stated mine and I have been waiting to hear what others have to say.

I don't believe in magic--I do believe that there is plenty of what we call science that we don't understand. I also believe that God used plenty ot that (science that I don't understand or comprehend) in order to create this world. Time is not a constant--how long it took God to create the world is pretty much irrelevant to me. I'm sure he took as much time as he wanted to. I believe that the description of the days gives us the idea that the creation was an orderly process--it had a plan--a beginning a middle and an end.

So much more to say--but I would love to hear some others comment first.
Sep 6, 2008
KarynM says:
the indigenous (pagan) peoples all had their 'creation stories' and its amazing how similar they all are across the cultures, not unlike the book of Genesis in The Bible. and I would say I'm with Hestia ... different names for the one 'Spirit'

reminds me of a phrase used by many pagans .. "All Gods are One God, All Goddesses are One Goddess, God and Goddess are ONE"

as far as the 7 days quoted in Genesis, I feel like a lot of the creation stories, a lot of it is allegorical and not necessarily to be taken literally ?
Sep 6, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
I am of the "Great Mystery" on this one; I do think that we will know the hows and whys but only when it is time. So I guess I just don't give it much pondering bc I know there's a reason and am just happy I was part of that reason and purpose. I do not believe we climbed out of the slime and evolved and I am not taken with the big bang either. Have to really look into myself to give a more detailed answer, is early and had little sleep.
Sep 6, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
The big bang theory has been disproved to my knowledge--so the scientists are back to the drawing board on that one.

I am not a scientist--so please forgive my lack of proper verbage--but scientists used something that is like doplar radar--but far more complex to determine direction and velocity of the stars. They used as many stars as they could to my kniowledge. If the big bang theory was valid all celestial objects would be moving away from a central point. They found that to be far from the case. They found that the galaxies are laid out in long long rows like curtains--with large areas of empty space--then another long row of galaxies--empty space and on and on--you get the picture. More evidence of order in what you could easily expect to be chaos.

Our church has a hymn that I think describes some of this perfectly. It talks about Kolob--that refereces the center of all the universe. It is called if you could high to Kolob--in other words if you could travel there.
Sep 6, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
If you could High to Kolob in the twinkling of an eye, and then continue onward with that same speed to fly, do you think that you could ever, through all eternity, find out the generation where Gods began to be?

Or see the grand beginning, where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation where Gods and matter end.
Methinks the spirit whispers "No man has found "pure space'
Nor seen the outside curtains, where nothing has a place.

The works of God continue, and worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter; there is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit; there is no end to race.

The song repeats "There is no end to" before each of the following words.

There is no end to--virtue, might, wisdom, light, union, youth, priesthood, truth. --glory, love, being, There is no death above.
--glory, love, being, there is no death above.

W. W. Phelps 1792-1872
Sep 6, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I misspoke aobut Kolob--It is the first creation nearest to the celestial, or residence of God. So--God's first creation. As GerryWright stated--One day in Kolob is equal to a thousand years measured on this earth. So--not the center of all things--that makes a little more sense--sorry about that.
Sep 6, 2008
KarynM says:
regardless of how long it took God to create everything, that song is beautiful Sierra Rain!
Sep 6, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
When I read your post I didn't realize you had said you were behind the big bang Hestia--sorry--could have been more tactful there. I do believe the scientists took in to account the possibllity of collisions and drift etc with thier super uber computers =). Like I said I am not a scientist-so the words to describe all that stuff don't come so easily. Anyway--I am all for scientific discovery and exploration. In my opinion all that knowledge just tells us that much more about the mysteries of God. What I am most curious about is what impact all of the surrounding celestial bodies may have on our physical bodies--how much do they influence our health or our feelings, etc. Another question to ponder. Could Saturn possibly be subtly giving me a better day, or is that the newly dwarfed planet Pluto?=). Fun stuff!
Sep 7, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
There will always be controversy on this subject,and all sorts of theory's about it,and most religious theory's are not substantiated by scientific investigations and so on,I'm just glad i'm here it's been a great ride and i will take whatever comes at the end of it,
Sep 7, 2008
Gerry R.C. Wright says:
Personally I believe in the creation account in the Bible. Intelligent Design has become very controversial over here in the states. I'm not sure how it is viewed in other countries. It seems pretty sad to me that schools are mandated to teach the big bang and darwinism as science fact, not theory, but any other accounts of how we came to be are banned from academia.
Sep 7, 2008
afton's-mom says:
I, too, am LDS - so I was glad to see Sierra Rain take this is difficult for me to explain to others how I believe because I don't worry too much about the "science" of it all. Like Froggie Leah says - I'm just glad I was part of the plan - however it came to be! I do know that it was not all random, there is just too much order (the tides, gravity, the phases of the moon) for there not to be a plan. I'm sure it is something that will be revealed to us when the time is right. I agree with Gerry to a point - I don't like that the Big Bang and Darwinism is taught as fact in schools - I think they should be handled the same way sex ed is...a note to be sent home discussing the curriculum that will be taught and how it will be addressed, this then has to be signed by the parents as to whether or not their child has permission to attend the class. But that's why I teach preschool...we don't get into anything more controversial then who gets to sit in my lap for story time!
Sep 7, 2008
Gerry R.C. Wright says:
Me!!! PICK ME!!! lol
Sep 7, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I went to public school in Washington state. When we were taught about creation we were taught more about the controversy than anything else. Big Bang was taught to us as a theory--but also the teacher said I don't care which one you believe--it makes no difference to me--it was said as if the two ideas were mutually exclusive? Is that the right phrase? They taught basically that you couldn't believe both--and then presented far more propaganda for the big bang--not really any facts--and said basically in one sentance that some people believe that God created the earth. I remember being very frustrated that they didn't present us with any scientific evidence at the time--I would have been very interrested to see it. I guess we got more than most do on creation--it was very brave of them to discuss God at all in Washington state.
Sep 7, 2008
Gerry R.C. Wright says:
Big difference in a Catholic school though since those are private institutions and they can teach whatever they like. There IS a drive currently to change that though and force private, Christian schools to teach evolution and other things that are contrary to Christian beliefs.

Seriously considering home-schooling if my kids weren't so stubborn.
Sep 7, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
But which bible are you talking about Gerry,and which of the 15 major english translations of the bible is the right one.It was passed down oraly some stories were told for centuries befor they were written down.I am not saying they are not true,i believe there was a God.But translated from hebrew to arabic to latin to greek and so on,copy after copy,there has to have been some major changes along the way to what it is now,
Sep 7, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
I think you will find cathlic schools today have changed very much,2 of my kids went to a private catholic school and one to public school.The catholic school did teach real science same as public.I personally think with all the different faits today religion should be left out of schools,and left to the pearents and there church.Teach them instead to respect others beliefs,and get on with each other.
Sep 7, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I agree with the separation of church and state--I also think that if parents are not going to be homeschooling (a brave choice if you ask me--I am not ready to take that on yet--but certainly willing if I think it is necessary) then they ought to know what their kids are learning in school so it can be discussed at home. Surprisingly more difficult than you might think to find out.
Sep 8, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
I find my children's teachers and school more than willing to include us in what they are learning. I regulary sit in on their classes and have a open dialogue with all their teachers about their assignments and concerns if any. I guess I thought every school was so open and welcoming, thats too bad because it helps your children feel secure and safe being among an open "family" of people.
Sep 8, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I am brand new to this school business--I should have been more specific--I have a hard time finding out from my kindergartener what she has been learning in school =). Her teacher has been very nice so far, and seems to want parents to be really involved--It has only been a week--lol. I am so used to experiencing the entire day with my child that it is difficult for me to let go of that. I get fragmented bits and pieces of the day that stood out to her--it's actually pretty cute. That and she needs a few hours after school to just chill before she's ready to share anything. Her school really wants the parents to come into class anytime. They tell us the kids do much better in school when their parent comes into the class and helps out. Parents are welcome anytime. My sisters kids go to the same school and she has found them to be very open as Leah has said of her school. Hopefully that is the case.
Sep 8, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
Moonsongtx, that is EXACTLY what my mom said just last night, ROFL. (platypus thing)
Sep 11, 2008
Dark Moon Lilly says:
I don't really see it as 'beginning' -- I see it as a cycle... at some point all is ONE -- then it seperates and spreads out, and we see how different and unique things can become -- then we process back to being ONE again . This process will play over and over again -- we as human beings are just limited in our ability to understand how this process works. When our spirits have attained the fullness of their potential we join in the ONE -- eventually all spirits will achieve this. But, the ONE will continue the cycle anew.

I hope that makes sense -- It is not an easy belief to describe, at least it isn't easy for me. :}

Blessed Be, Dark Moon Lilly
Sep 14, 2008
KarynM says:
makes perfect sense to me DML .. we only have to look around us at the seasons, the cycles of the moon, the life cycle of a perennial plant to understand this concept.
Sep 14, 2008
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