I have always wanted to know...
Sierra Rain says:
I was hoping to start another discussion. I have always wanted to know what different people think about this--it's not a topic that comes up much. For those of you who do believe that you exist as an individual after death--what do you think we will be doing for an eternity? I would love to hear what everyone thinks.
Aug 30, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
Hmmm, well I believe in reincarnation so I believe thats what I'll be doing for part of the time, living different lives here and there trying to perfect my soul. Beyond that I could only speculate really, I would hope that sometimes I would be able to guide the souls here on this plane to better things in their lives.
Aug 27, 2008
Gerry R.C. Wright says:
I know that when I die I will be spending eternity in the presence of my Lord and Savior. Some preachers talk about our "glorified bodies" that our meat suit is disgarded and we take on this new form.
I personally don't believe Heaven to be a "place" as much as it is a dimension. But this, too remains one of the mysteries we won't find an answer to until we die.
But if I'm wrong I really wouldn't mind coming back as a cat...except for that whole "neutering" thing!!! OWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!
Aug 28, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
When I read about reincarnation my mind goes to that movie "What dreams may come"--so much food for thought there--especially about how much of our "damnation" is potentially self inflicted. My husband and I have an eternal marriage. I believe we will be partners forever. Whatever we will be doing in the afterlife--we will be doing it together. I do believe that I will be with Christ and God the Father. I believe that we will be engaged in thier work--the creation of more worlds like this one. There is something about the leaves in the trees that I feel a kinship to. They seem to call to me.--(I also believe that every living thing on earth has a spirit form and deserves my respect) I believe that, after a time in spirit form, we will be resurrected and our bodies perfected and glorified. Have any of you experienced vivid dreams of being able to fly above the countryside?--I have and I love them! I will be very disappointed of we don't get to fly in the next existence =).
Aug 29, 2008
KarynM says:
my belief about 'after this life' are much the same as Hestia's. (more a hope than a belief I will admit) reunion with our beloved dead in avalon, a time of review and reflection until we are ready for the next lessons we need to learn or that we failed to learn this time around ... much like the cycles we see around us .. birth/death/rebirth.
Aug 30, 2008
KarynM says:
Sierra Rain ~ I loved that movie, after a traumatic and sudden death I watched every movie and read every book on the subject, but I also found much of the movie very very confronting! oh yeah I've always said I'd come back as a dolphin but now I do believe I might just come back as a cat if my life is destined to be a cosy as my furbabies' lol
Aug 30, 2008
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