Discussion Topic

Gerry R.C. Wright says:
Here's a quick discussion topic to start things off.

Would you personally be willing to die for your faith, and why?
Aug 30, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
When i was young i would have said yes,but now i dont think i would, my family yes, but my faith i dont think so i stell have fath in a lot of things .I stell believe in God.i am hanging on to the hope theres an after life and that i will see lost loved ones again one day.But die for it i have to say no.
Aug 26, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
Would I be willing to stand up and say this is my faith and I'm not going to back down from it just to save my life, then yes is my answer.
Aug 26, 2008
KarynM says:
I'm not fence sitting but I really dont know, the one thing I've learnt is I dont know what I'd do or not do until I'm 'there'.
(never say never)
Aug 26, 2008
*****mattmom***** says:
I was raised a Hindu/Christian in a Country where everyone's faith and beliefs were respected. I am now a Christian but not a fanatic. I spent 15yrs of my life as a Hindu, but attended Christian Church too. And the one thing I did learn was that whether I was praying to Lord Jesus or Lord Shiva, my prayers were answered. I know Christians are supposed to accept Jesus as their lord and saviour, but I can't really say that I have totally accepted this. Whenever anyone asks me why I would call myself a Christian but not believe solely in one God. My response is always the same "If when I pray to Lord Jesus, he answers my prayers, then that tells me that he hasn't forsaken me because of my beliefs. So if he doesn't judge me, why should anyone else???" So I cannot honestly say I would die for my faith, cause I am still trying to figure it out.
My son yes, in a heartbeat. And before he was ever born, I knew I would risk my life to save any child.
Aug 26, 2008
Gerry R.C. Wright says:
Actually, I have to go kind of with Sassy on this one. I would like to think that I would have the courage to stand up for my beliefs in the face of death, but I just don't know. That is why I love the story of Cassie Bernall so much. She was the Columbine student who when she and a group of friends were asked if they believed in God, stood up and said "yes." She was killed for her faith. And like Hestia, I don't believe anyone should be put in the position of having to make that choice, but it happens every day in countries around the world.
Aug 26, 2008
Gerry R.C. Wright says:
Absolutely. And I think every group could probably find examples of religious persecution. The sad thing is, everybody thinks they are the ONLY ones being persecuted. And this is nothing new, just look at the world historically, the Jews were persecuted, the Pagans were persecuted, the Christians were persecuted...ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
Aug 26, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
So true, that's one of the reasons the Pilgrims came to settle here in America. History also shows us how horribly the Native Indian's were treated for their faiths and beliefs. It's all so sad, we are all so entwined and we don't stop to realize it very often.
Aug 26, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
Dont forget us the irish,thats why i dont think there can be peace in the world untill we all learn to accept each others beliefs we dont have to agree just accept it. .
Aug 27, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
I don't think acceptance will come though until we quit trying to put labels on everything. The Human Race spends so much time trying to find the right *click* to join and be a part of and we all forget we alreay belong to one.
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
If someone put a gun to my head and asked me to deny God or he would pull the trigger--that's a nice clear consise example--My initial reaction is that I wouldn't be able to say the words. I know I couldn't deny what I know is true. Thank you for posing the question. It has led to a lovely discussion here so far. Though as a side note--I also believe that God can direct you in any moment--and I would listen to him in that moment and attempt to do what he wants me to do. So I guess it would be up to God wether I would live or die. That sounds more like SassyWitch's answer and I am perfectly happy with that too.

Because we are all human I think you will find in any religion those who are desiring to force others to believe what they believe--or else--because they somehow would feel threatened otherwise--it is the way of the bully. You will also find those who are just trying to follow the light within it. Good honest decent hardworking loving people--they are everywhere.
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I guess I missread your question and then didn't really answer it. Would I be willing--yes. Why? Only if it was required of me--as answered above--and because I know this life is not the end of the road. I also had cancer. I have 2 years of remission as of a week ago. In that position every test feels like staring down the barrel of a loaded gun and you have to ask yourself if you really believe you will continue to exist after this life. If you really believe there is a God that has a plan for you and a desired direction for you--a goal for this life. I am not saying cancer is the only way to ask yourself that question--I have been a religious person my whole life--Its more like it forced me to face any fear that might be hiding in my soul and either succumb to it or get over it. So I guess the answer to why is because I know as well as it can be known that God exists--knows and loves me personally--has a plan for me and my family--and will be waiting for me on the other side
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I tend to get wordy late at night--but I hope that answers the question a little better. Thanks again for starting the group Gerry--and thanks to everyone else who is participating. I am loving it.
Aug 27, 2008
BikerBabe says:
I think, if I'm honest, I would say no. I am a Christian, and I love that I am, but I'm a single Mum, and my first priority and dearest love is my son. I know I should put Jesus first and if I do that, everything else will follow, but I would not want to leave my son an orphan. I suppose that means my faith is not as strong as it should be, and it's something I work on every day, but clearly I still have a long way to go! On the other hand, living in peacful, rural England, it's quite difficult to see how that situation would arise. I have certainly stood up and said "I'm a Christian", and as a biker, that isn't always easy.
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
Bikerbabe--I totally get that. I hate to sound like a broken record with the cancer thing--so I promise I won't bring it up in every post--but--when I was diagnosed with cancer my kids were 6 months 1, and 2. I have always had a very good feeling that I was going to kick the cancer and be well--but I still struggled with the thought of the possibility of leaving my little ones behind. I did not trust God to take care of them in my absence. At least--I feel like I can't be replaced. I don't want my kids to go through growing up without Mom. My mommy instinct tells me that their care is my job! and no one else's. I know that God has a plan for them and knows what will be best for them and their journey--I want me to be part of that plan--what is best for them. "Not my will but thine be done" is a painfully difficult attitude to come by. I am still working on it and for now hoping I will never truly have to worry about it.
Aug 27, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
Thats true Leahsfrog but i think thats freedom of choice people are free to label themselfs and anything else what ever they want and they will.

I agree Sierra about those desiring to force others to believe what they believe.It's called fear but fear of what if they are secure in there faith why would they fear anyone elses faith.
That kind of fear comes from ignorance.
Aug 27, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
Mawmaw i was raised a Catholic to,but i tend to lean towords the Dala Lama now days.
Aug 27, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
Verony, very much Freedom of Choice and is everyone's right. So you see the double edge sword there? I'm not dissing it just stating what I see as obvious, so many cunundrums being Human I do say. Your darned if you do and darned if you don't kind of thing.

Aug 27, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
Yeah i see what you mean Leahsfrog
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
Verony--I don't think they are secure in their faith or wouldn't they hear God telling them to stop? I think it is more like they (by they I am refering to the bullies that exist in any religion--not one in particular) have sworn allegiance to a team--not the same thing as faith in God. I also think if you look for it, you will find a money trail/power struggle behind all the blood shed in the name of God.
Aug 27, 2008
emmaleeah says:
My church has a rich history of being killed for our faith, so I have often thought of this question. I am a member of the LDS church, more commonly known as Mormons. I really od believe that I would be willing ot die if it came down to it. I know that God is God and that Jesus christ his son died for me. I also know that the Bible and Book of Mormon are the words of God. I am much more afraid of my eternal punishment if I ever denied what the Holy Spirit has witnessed to me than I am of any Earthly consequences I would get from standing firm to my beliefs.
Aug 27, 2008
~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~* says:
*emmaleeah* yes quite a long history of being persecuted for their faiths. I have read the Book of Morman as well as the Pearl of Great Price, I feel the same reading those as I do when I sit and read the Bible(which I have done MANY times), so sad over all the bloodshed. But they persevere and keep going so their faith was not destroyed only strengthened.
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--aka the LDS church--aka the Mormons. For those of you who are wondering what that all means I will breifly answer the question posed by GerryWright at the beginning of this site. What do you believe? We are Christian. We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the Savior of man kind. We believe that God dealt with man through prophets who kept a record of those dealings--called the Bible. We also believe that God dealt with men on the American continent through prophets who taught their people that Jesus Christ would be born into this world and would be the Savior of all man kind. These prophets also kept a record called the Book of Mormon. We believe that God still speaks to prophets today, that he will also speak to you and I through prayer. We do not follow those prophets blindly--but do prayerfully consider their words and do believe them to be delivering God's words to mankind today.
Aug 27, 2008
Sierra Rain says:
I believe that we are all on the same journey to better our selves and to find the truth and discover the strength that faith gives. I think we all have more in common than we necessarily believe. I hope that helps. I am happy to answer any further questions about us Mormons--I know Mitt Romney has gotten a lot of people wondering about us--so feel free to question away if you like. I wasn't sure where else to post this--this seemed as good a place as any.
Aug 27, 2008
KarynM says:
I cant remember having such a relaxing time in front of the PC for ... well ... too long!!!!

learning from these discussions is an added bonus :)

Aug 30, 2008
KarynM says:
re: I believe that we are all on the same journey to better our selves and to find the truth and discover the strength that faith gives. I think we all have more in common than we necessarily believe. (Sierra Rain)

Amen !
Aug 30, 2008
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