What Photoshop version do you use?

LulaScraps says:
I use Photoshop CS2.
Nov 27, 2010
Taymatang says:
I use CS3 and love it.
Jan 28, 2008
4 Little Angels says:
I use PSE 6, it is truely wonderful to use!!
Jan 28, 2008
Sk8tingmom says:
I use CS3. I still have a lot to learn but I love it.
Jan 29, 2008
by rideascrapbook says:
I use CS2 and there is so much I still need to learn, but you can do so much with it! I also just got Adobe Color Efex Pro 3.0 and it is amazing!!!!
Jan 30, 2008
wvscrapqueen says:
I use Photoshop 6. It's old, but it works! :)
Jan 30, 2008
usedtobeskinny.com says:
I use pse6 still heaps to figure out but it's getting easier each time
Feb 1, 2008
debozark says:
I use Photoshop Elements 5.0 and love it!
Feb 1, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
I use photoshop elements 5 and 6...they are FANTASTIC!
Feb 3, 2008
JoJoDsign says:
I use PS-7, PS-CS2, Illustrator, Image Ready, and InDesign
Feb 4, 2008
Valerie Rankins says:
Just got Photoshop elements 5 and am learning...
Feb 5, 2008
Sooze says:
Hi all...as a new CS2 user I thought this group would give me some inspiration! I have made a promise to myself to learn at least one new technique per week...so far so good, but a longggggggg way to go to reach the full potential of this great piece of software!
Feb 12, 2008
HB says:
I just upgraded to CS3 last week.
Feb 12, 2008
Claudia says:
I use Cs2!!! I love this group!!!! It gives my inspiration!!!
Thank you everybody!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Feb 16, 2008
catyTchR says:
i use a photoshop element 2 at school i bought it at a fly market!!
it works!!
Feb 19, 2008
catyTchR says:
sooze is right we must fix a goal for learning some new technique weekly or...
Feb 19, 2008
Rhuth79 says:
im using PS CS3..
Feb 20, 2008
cacc says:
I am new to all this but I'm looking for a new photoshop program. I'd love imput. I once saw a portrait of several different poses in lots of bubbles. It was not like the pictures on the boxes of photoshops that have one picture in lots of bubbles. Anyway if anyone knows what I'm talking about or how to achieve it please let me know.
Feb 23, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
I just upgraded to photoshop CS3 and WOW...it's wonderful!
Mar 1, 2008
momykitty says:
i have catch my goal of one tut /week on cs2
1-today i used a path circle for text around the 4 page
2-I try to remember about filters effects i like
3-used a pic to cut letters in
so did it and i remember how!!!
is cs3 a lot different?
cath/momykitty/ catytCHr
Mar 7, 2008
sniper says:
i used Photoshop CS2 and still downloading the CS3
Mar 12, 2008
Carena says:
CS2 - Anyone use templates - I have a number of them on my blog: http://carenaextravagance.blogspot.com/
I just love them and happy to share. ENJOY
Mar 30, 2008
southflascrapper says:
Photoshop CS3 Extended, just upgraded from 7.0 last week. Have alot to learn though.
Apr 27, 2008
southflascrapper says:
I like the learning goal timelines that were mentioned in prior posts regarding mastering new techniques in our software versions. I have 4 other programs that came with mine and I don't even know what they are capable of doing yet (smiles). I can only "play" on the weekends learning since I work full time so it is hard squeezing learning in between. Does anyone on here have any life/work balance suggestions for their software learning time that they set aside? I don't have any children, just a husband (grins). Thank you for the templates Carena, CS2 should work with CS3 shouldn't it? If not, I still have my good old PS 7 installed.
May 8, 2008
~*~sixelanaej~*~ says:
I have PS CS3 extended and PS Elements 5.0 and still learning new things everytime I use them.
Jun 10, 2008
Blitzen says:
I use CS3, but haven't even had it for a week, so I have A LOT to learn.
Jun 10, 2008
AZ_RN says:
I started out with PS elements 4, then 6, moved up to cs3 after I bought a Wacom tablet (it came with a coupon for 50% off!!)
Jun 23, 2008
Deborah Holmvik says:
Hello everybody, I use Photoshop CS2 and I wonder what features CS3 have that makes it better?

I would love to know from SBF friends before I get a CS3, otherwise I would stick to my CS2.

Or about Photoshop elements, have anyone tried comparing them all?
Thanks, please do share. Mucho Gracias everybody:").
Jul 17, 2008
Roniiv says:
Hi everyone,
I use PSCS2 and got an ImageReady with it.....not knowing what it was.....love IReady because it is here I can make my animations the way I like them and not be restricted to the on line freebies like Lunapic(by the way it is great IF you don't have a program to make your own animations in)
Aug 23, 2008
digi addict says:
I sometimes use my Photo Impact12 but I love Adobe cs2 mor
Sep 1, 2008
shannonsnan says:

Sep 7, 2008
Liz MX says:
hi, to all! I'm also a fan of PSC3, love it, love it. also use Photoimpact (not so much) & Illustrator
Sep 9, 2008
kennidee says:
I use photoshop 5. I think it's great!
Oct 4, 2008
zanthia says:
I use photoshop elements 5. it came with my wacom tablet which I still haven't really learned to use yet. I tried to learn with PSP 9. while I loved the tubes everything else I had so much problems learning the most basic things. Sure wish PSE had tubes. Do miss that.
Oct 23, 2008
Persephone says:
I use CS3 and have been thinking of upgrading soon to CS4.
Dec 6, 2008
gypsyj says:
I use cs3 and I also have a wacom tablet which I just adore using!
Jan 19, 2009
gypsykate says:
hi everyone i started with photoshop cs and i'm now on photoshop cs3 extended... oh, is there a cs4 already? i haven't even gotten to learning a 10th of cs3! *lol*
Jan 28, 2009
Horalina says:
Hi everyone! I try a lots program to edit the pictures,now I try to learn to use PS CS4...Will see if I have succes.
Apr 25, 2009
Madelief says:
Hello! I use Photoshop Elements 6.
Jan 28, 2010
Rayl28 says:
Hi i use PSE8 and i love it im still learning new things on it everyday!
Oct 5, 2010
Judikim says:
G'day everyone, I am using PSE9 & learning new things every day!
Nov 27, 2010
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