Plain English please...what are tubes and plug ins?
HanoverKim says:
I typically use my Creative Memories software to create my pages, however I have found that I need to use my PSE8 to do a few things. Are tubes and plug ins for PhotoShop? What are they and how do they work in general? Sincerly, Curious HanoverKim :o)
Apr 7, 2011
HanoverKim says:
BTW, please don't read into my title the wrong way - I realized this is an international site. I work with a lot of attorneys who I am constantly saying, "plain English please"...only because they have a different speak than this bean counter - LOL
Feb 13, 2011
goodbye says:
Well, I'm still kinda learning things as I go with digital scrapping but I do believe that tubes are images already extracted and ready to use in your pages like elements. Plug-ins are extensions you add on to programs, any programs. Like Topaz is a plug-in that you can add to your PSE8. This just adds extra effects and such . Now some are free and some not.
But I'm sure that there are some people here who might know more than me in this subject. But I hope this helps you a bit. This was my version of plain English, LOL Luisa
Feb 13, 2011
Xguern66 says:
Yes Luisa is right about these. There are lots of free tubes on the net and the same with plug-ins. Google them and you'll get everything you need to know - and 'how to' instructions. Check that they are for Elements and not just Photoshop although some do for both.
Apr 7, 2011
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