getting excited...
ava&lillysmommy says:
Just realized that it is only Dec 11th and I have made 3 Christmas pages of my daughter!! Am I going overboard? I hope not, besides her first Christmas only happens once!
Dec 17, 2006
simcrafty says:
I understand, It is my twins' 1st Christmas also. I'm gonna take lots of pics!!
Dec 13, 2006
AlaskanSister says:
I don't think you can ever have to many pages of your kids. My boys are getting sick of my camera. But hey, they're only young once, we've got to chronicle their lives and stages. It's our job! LOL
Dec 14, 2006
JennHenn says:
ASister is right...you never have enough of your kids! NEVER! You can't go overboard on anything because like you said, it only happens once. Keep creating and keep posting...I lvoe seeing the kids...and when we get to watch them grow and change...that's a lot of fun!
Dec 17, 2006
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