Sketch using PSElements???

Xguern66 says:
I have tried using Meddy's tut to sketch but the instructions for Photoshop do not work in Elements. When I go to Image I do not have a choice of 'adjustments, desaturate' Can anyone out there help me please.
Jul 6, 2010
milliec says:
Hey Joce, all I did was go into "filters" and used either the charcoal/chalk effect or just the charcoal. It brings up a screen so you can make adjustments. That's it...I just played around with it until it was what I wanted. You can also do the charcoal effect, then go into "filters" and choose "brush strokes." Crosshatch is a type of sketching. As I learned in art classes oh so long ago, there are different types of sketching with different mediums (pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, pastels, chalk, etc.) as long as it's not paint :). I hope this helped!
Jul 6, 2010
Xguern66 says:
Thanks Courtney - I'll give it another go. I have also found a tut in the PS help site that I have downloaded so that I can go through it slowly and try to write down the steps - video tuts go too quickly for me these days LOL. I will give it a try soon.
Jul 6, 2010
zanthia says:
joce, just uploaded my sketch p age and maddys instructions work great. thats the way i have always done a sketch.
to desaturate i always use the shortcut - ctrl - shift - u.
this is PSE 5
hope that helps
Jul 6, 2010
zanthia says:
you can also use other blurs to make the sketch
Jul 6, 2010
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