
milliec says:
Another question: I see that some people can crop out shapes out of a page versus cropping into a shape. That doesn't make see when people do quick pages and there is a cropped out section to insert photos, that's what I want to do and with different shapes and angles. I can't figure out how to do that in Photoshop. When I crop, it crops out everything but the inside. Does that make sense?
Jun 18, 2010
MOM4EVR says:
...i have pse6 and i use the "cutout tool".....depending on what shape you can do either or....
hope this helps.....
Jun 16, 2010
milliec says:
Hi Linda, thanks for responding. I have used the cutout has all those different shapes and you can angle, etc., but still I can't just cut out the inside and leave the rest intact. I can't figure it out.
Jun 17, 2010
milliec says:
I used to use Paint.Net and that would give me an option to "invert" what I was cropping to obtain what I want, but I couldn't do any angling.
Jun 17, 2010
MOM4EVR says:
...i think i figured it out....
start a blank file
open a background page and drag over your bg
use the rectangle marqee on the bg page marking in a square/shape in size required
"select" - "inverse"
copy (don't close)
paste (will create new layer)
hide or delete original page in layers palet
you will now have your own quick page...kinda sorta....!!
did i explain that ok....???
let me know.....linda :D
Jun 17, 2010
milliec says:
Linda, I think that WORKED! The only downside is I can't change up angles or anything. I only seems to work for the marquee and not the shape cutter or the other crop tool where I can move around the shape. But, thank you so much! That is a start!
Jun 18, 2010
MOM4EVR says:
...oh you said...its a start!!
cheers...linda :D
Jun 18, 2010
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