Hoera !

jago says:
I' ve made it!!! Ilove to scrap but all of this digital stuff is still quite new.
Hope people can give me tips and hints, I'm sure there is still a lot to learn.

Aug 5, 2007
fl0j0e says:
hi hun, so glad you made it.. now majority ofus is all new to this so any questions will be delved into and sorted. Pete is new too... some have paintshop pro experience others make own kits, my TO SORT is make basic stuff into tuts for everyone to make our own embellishments etc. hope 2 see ur work soon.. xx
Jul 11, 2007
TracySW says:
PaintShop Pro sounds scary!! And whats a tut?
I would love to try and make my own embellishments but wouldn't know the first thing about it.
Cheers. Tracy

Jul 12, 2007
fl0j0e says:
tracey you have come to the right place. psp is easy its just layers you add each time you add something like embellishment. you can do bg in them and add anything shrink etc add text.. most mine done that way now but still like 2 use pre kits..but any programme you have that does this time is fine. there are n rules as to what you work with.
Jul 14, 2007
SummerBreeze says:
So glad to see you have joined us and so looking forward to seeing your work. :)
Jul 14, 2007
jago says:
Paint shop pro is this something like photoimpact, that's what i use and I work in layers as well, or are there still differences?
Jul 17, 2007
SummerBreeze says:
Jago, yes it is a lot like photoimpact but there are still a lot of good differances.
Aug 5, 2007
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