Challenges and Contests

Lori47 says:
Question for all of you about a challenge I am considering
Not sure if and when I decide to run a challenge I have been thinking of doing but, if I do, I would like to kindly ask all of you who are reading this the following question:

Do any of you have a group (public or closed) whereby the members upload images from the town that we all grew up in or still live there and we all get to enjoy them because they go way back when showing REAL photos or advertisements in newspapers. Or anything to upload like photos of classrooms, yearbooks, bridges and so much more.

I am a member of 2 of them because there are 2 towns right next to each other that I grew up in. I love seeing ads from back in the day when there were jugs of milk from a well-known dairy or how much a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk costing only pennies. The examples are endless.

Just wondered if any of you found groups on Facebook that showed so many things in pictures from your hometown back in the day whether it be from the late E. after it stew around the 50s or 60s, etc.


Jul 21, 2020
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Xguern66 says:
Hi Lori. Yes as you know I come from the Island of Guernsey and I belong to 4 different groups on FB about the Island. They feature photos of early life in the island frequently. I love the memories that they bring back to me. I spend a lot of time on all of the groups.
Jul 21, 2020
valrushton says:
Yes, I belong to groups about my village and neighbouring town.
Jul 21, 2020
Lori47 says:
That's great Joce & Val .... good to know!!!
Jul 21, 2020
Lori47 says:
I just noticed at least one typo in my original question for a challenge that I would like to start sometime in late August or early September if all goes well. I meant for my voice recognition software to say:

"Just wondered if any of you had joined groups on Facebook that shows so many things in pictures (or newspaper advertisements) from your hometown back in the day whether it be from the middle or late 1800s right up to the 50s or 60s, or at a time when you were growing up & experiencing things, etc."

I grew up in the late 60s & 70s.

My parents & grandparents were entrepreneurs and on their own their own property. My father was a barber while my mother ran a shoe store & then a liquor store after that. Soon after my father retired from barbering they opened a pizza & sub shop. All around us were diners, train stations, etc. now gone.
My grandmother owned her own restaurant & was the cook. IBM started in my hometown & so much more.

Sorry about that big typo.
Jul 23, 2020
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