From the Editor's Desk

Lori47 says:
Coming Soon...
We’re trying something new this year on the ScrapbookFlair Home Page. Where we currently have My Faves, once a month we have a special new section called Members Forever. This section will showcase the work of ScrapbookFlair members who have passed on. Sadly we have lost many wonderful members over the years, but their life and images live on in their scrapbooks and we’d like to honor them for their contributions.

On that note, while we know about some of our members who have passed away like Lavender Passion, Pelle, ChrisG, and Claudia… we know the list is much longer. If you know a member who has died, could you please let us know? Send a note to me (Lori) here at the Editor’s Desk Forum. You can always send me PM if you have any additional questions but we want everyone to know about this so here it is fine. Thank you all!
May 6, 2019
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Lori47 says:
I forgot a word. I meant to say that once a month we will have a special new section called Members Forever.

Hopefully I will hear from some of you who know of members that have passed away (in addition to the ones listed here that us SBF members have heard about) that we can add to the Members Forever section to honor them and know they will never be forgotten. :-)
May 7, 2019
simsage says:
don't forget Maggie!
May 7, 2019
Lori47 says:
Thank you Simone for reminding me/us about Maggie but right now I can't remember if that was her username or if she used another username? I just looked at this - and this Maggie joined in 2006 but there are no scrapbooks; nor is she listed as one of my friends or fans??? Could you please help me with her username and homepage? Thank you so much!
May 7, 2019
Moongirl says:
JUst to say I have Maggie on my friends list I checked and its Maggie M and all her scrap pages. If its her you mean.
May 7, 2019
Lori47 says:
I just checked MaggieM's homepage and I definitely remember her. Says her last logon was October 31, 2013. I did not know of her passing. Simone... is she the one you are referring to who has passed away?

This is exactly what we are looking for as this has been such a close community for so long & which is why we want to include as many as possible on our new feature on the SBF homepage every month so they were recognized, honored and, as stated, "Members Forever."
May 7, 2019
Lori47 says:
Thank you Simone for reminding me/us about Maggie but right now I can't remember if that was her username or if she used another username? I just looked at this - and this Maggie joined in 2006 but there are no scrapbooks; nor is she listed as one of my friends or fans??? Could you please help me with her username and homepage? Thank you so much!
May 7, 2019
MaryWonder says:
Hi Lori. Here is a link to Maggies's home page
She was so helpful to anyone who had questions.
May 7, 2019
Lori47 says:
Has anyone heard from Betty Boop or jayjayjay? They were both very prolific scrappers. I know that Valerie is okay... she is just very busy and Joyce Swaim I have seen on Facebook so I know she is okay. Mary Alison Hill is also active on Facebook.

I so badly want to & perhaps still will have a chance to upload a page for the Then and Now, Before and After challenge & challenges soon starting but with my medical problems, trying to move, and so much more I am having a very hard time making pages. Doing my best to keep up with comments and being Guest Editor & certainly happy and grateful I can do that! Fantastic community!!!

Hope everyone is doing well since the site has been so quiet lately...
May 9, 2019
Xguern66 says:
This is a great idea Lori. I've gone thru my friends list - so many familiar names that we no longer see here. One that I know has passed is 'Lady wolf known as Krystal'

Anyone know anything about Inky D or Computer Geek - just a couple from days gone by.
Just popped in for a catch up. xxxx
May 30, 2019
Lori47 says:
Thank you Joce! We will certainly add Krystal to the list.
May 30, 2019
simsage says:
Sorry I did not check the forum before Lori, yes the Lady Wolf Krystal also passed.
Inky D is always on Digital Den on Facebook, but Computer Geek, is MIA.
May 30, 2019
simsage says:
Oh The Challenge problem has not been changed Just tried and it rejected it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 30, 2019
Lori47 says:
*sigh* OK Simone. I will let them know and thank you for the info on Inky D and they were also discussing last night on the phone if any of us have heard from Computer Geek and the 3 of us haven't.

So many people are posting pages or joining challenges on Facebook (Mary Alison Hill, Joyce Swaim, etc.). I can barely find the time to keep up with making pages here, keeping on top of things as Guest Editor and life itself that I am not a frequent Facebooker. I know a lot of people can easily access it via their phone but I can't pick up my phone and, even if I did, it's not a big attraction for me.

Thank you for being a wonderful, consistent Scrapbookflair member and friend!!!
May 30, 2019
simsage says:
Lori, I know what you mean about keeping up with the FB challenges etc, I tried but cannot keep up, I check about once a month that's the most I can manage, as I still work 4 sometimes 5 days a week. Well my "Work" laptop which has the Adobe elements program I use and all my stuff including 2 pages for the Yellow & Blue challenge, just stopped working, I think it is a hardware problem, hopefully I can get it fixed, probably cost me an arm & a leg?????
Jun 2, 2019
Lori47 says:
So sorry to hear that your work laptop & everything on it that you use has stopped working. Ironically, I e-mailed my one niece a happy birthday e-mail on May 22nd & did not hear back from her (she is in Florida too) & she gets all her personal e-mails via that laptop. I have not had a chance to talk to her to ask her if she knows what is going on but I had to ask her mom (my sister) if something was going on with her since I had not heard back from her. She then got back to me but still has not been able to read my long e-mail. I am not good at all as to what might be going on... I miss my husband (a software engineer) who took care of everything that went on with our PC. I certainly hope you can get it fixed but I don't know where you would get that done. :-(

I'm glad you are on the same page as I am using FB challenges & keeping up with life itself. I never did get to go grocery shopping today so that's why I was able to get the SteamPunk page composed.

{Big Hugs} ~Lori
Jun 2, 2019
wvscrapqueen says:
Well, after a VERY LONG hiatus, I FINALLY figured out which email I used to create this account. I am sad to hear so many of my friends have passed, but I look forward to making new friends.
Oct 10, 2021
NellieBell says:
I was so sad to read about the passing of Lori. She was a kind and gentle soul who always had the sweetest things to say.
Oct 30, 2021
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