Children and Family

novice@it says:
how do you do it all?
This is a question for moms who have school age kids, a husband, and maybe works part or full time, however, anyone can answer.
some days I feel so overwhelmed by all I need to do, that I dont feel I get much done. Can you give me some tips to get organized, both with daily chores, and clutter busting. I also work part time, and have 2 dogs and 3 cats (liter box duty is always mine.) drop and pick my kids up from school, My boys are 8 and 15. I work at night, I have the day free. My husband works from 8 to 5. I cant seem to get a routine down that is productive, it seems like Im running in circles, and, some days feel depressed. There are needed home improvements, that I feel like I beg for help with, but my husband is happy doing none of it. HELP!!!!!! any advice for getting on track, with some type of schedule for myself?
My last child is dropped off by 840 am, and I must pick them up at 315 pm. I work Wed., Friday,Saturday, and every other Sunday nights. Im always off on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Sunday. Thanks from anyone who is good at schedules, put me on one, Ill let you know whos idea worked best, and make them a special thank you page, love Glenda
May 21, 2010
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PoetryNMotion says:
from one busy mother to another...take a look at this site

great advice, ideas, stategies, plans (especially getting your house in order).

May 21, 2010
milliec says:
Well, first of is your husband. He needs to contribute. I have a toddler and a school aged child. Between dealing with a hyper toddler, doing homework, running back and forth to TaeKwonDo, taking TaeKwonDo myself, then taking care of everything else...well, the key is just getting organized. It helps to purge...just purge. Have your kids help. They are old enough. Just get rid of things you haven't used forever. Have a garage sale. Then just start organizing. Once you have everything in order, you will feel 100 times better. I have a husband who does most of the child care at night and weekends so it leaves me to do everything else I need to do. This is an arrangement we agreed on. I don't mind cleaning myself as it gives me peace from kids. The other thing is to write down your schedule and what you need done and stick to it. Again, put those boys to work. Summer is almost coming up and this is a good time to teach them to contribute and not be bad husbands :).
May 21, 2010
milliec says:
just so you know, I do all cooking, most of the cleaning, organizing, errand running, the yard is my most wanted domain, etc. My husband works long hours. But, it all works. I come in here frequently, but I'm not on for long periods. I spend most of my evening working on pages or when my youngest naps. Again, the first thing you have to do is works. You will feel so much better when everything is organized and/or gone. If you aren't organized it contributes to the sense of overwhelmingness.
May 21, 2010
milliec says:
Oh, one more thing...sorry, I can ramble. You have to sometimes just say "screw it" and just have a day where you just take some time off for yourself. Just get your hair done, nails done...go for a walk, just read...anything. For your sanity's sake.
May 21, 2010
novice@it says:
wow just checked back in and am so happy to have such great r RIGHT on the money, my kids dont help out, Ive always babied them too much. I have held on to things too long, this will blow your mind, 4 plastic bins of old record albums, that belonged to my deceased parents, probably over 400. Just sitting, since their deaths, in 1983. and 1996. I even picked out the ones I wanted to keep,and swore I was getting rid of the rest. that was over a year ago. I dont know why I hold on to them, I think its like letting go, would mean letting go of my parents memories. Crazy I know, its the same way with toys, Ive gotten better, but just boxed up some baby toys, by youngest is 8. I need therapy. I boxed up unused toys, and even put them in my car trunk, I know some kids could use them, but its like letting go of precious childhood, sick isnt it, the box is still in my trunk for Over a month. I know I need help, Im not a hoarder, but only on a smaller scale. thanks again. glenda
May 24, 2010
milliec says:
Well, we keep things that mean something to us and it's hard to let go of memories, but unfortunately, if we kept every memory, wouldn't be able to live in our homes lol. I would keep a few things that mean a lot to you and get rid of the rest...I would try to have a sale, then give the of them to Goodwill. You could probably make quite a bit of money. I did this recently. I just purged because we just don't have the storage in our house. I had a garage sale and then just gave the rest to Goodwill. The money we made went to storage...things like shelving and bins in the garage. It's organized now and we can even park in the garage, which we haven't been able to do before.
May 24, 2010
milliec says:
As for baby toys...I kept a few really nice ones so that I can give them to future grandkids. But, got rid of the rest that the boys don't play with.
May 24, 2010
kezcreates says:
My kids are 12, 7 and 2. Obviously the 2 yr old doesnt have much to do in the way of chores lol but the oldest has to wash his own clothes (which he has been doing since he was 10) and he also takes care of the recycling and garbage bags. I refuse to clean their rooms because it's always a mess lol, but they have to keep their floors tidy at least. No food anywhere but in the kitchen, etc. Sometimes it gets on top of me but I just decide what area I want to tackle and go for that.. I find if I decide 'KITCHEN' and make that all tidy, I feel like I have accomplished something - rather than doing a little bit in each room and it looks untidy everywhere still lol. My partner works full time but he still does the dishes, laundry, etc. It's like whoever gets to it first. We both cook - me mostly cos I'm home earlier, but he does some weekends. The kids have to get me all their lunch kits, etc the night before school so I do it all at once, etc. No lunch bag? NO LUNCH! haha!
May 24, 2010
kezcreates says:
I also help run our local Freecycle through Yahoo groups and whenever I have a bag or box of items like kids clothing to give away, I put it on there for someone else to take. I have put old dishes, mugs, clothing, toys, etc on there and it's great. Quite often you find young people that have just moved into their own apartment who have no pots and pans or dishes at all and they come pick up the items until they can afford to buy newer nice stuff down the line. Or single parents who need some help with kids clothing, etc. You could also try taking old books, albums, etc to a pawn shop type of place to sell them. I have way too much stuff in my basement still, but plog along sorting when I can.
May 24, 2010
novice@it says:
thanks for the new comments too. xoxoxoxoxoxo it means so much to me, that someone understands how I feel.:)
May 25, 2010
kezcreates says:
Let's put it this way, I had a minor surgery this morning (just a tubal, nothing major lol) and my boyfriend had to do all the stuff with the kids (morning, school, supper, soccer, etc) and he is face down asleep beside me right now LOL. If you don't have help, it's not easy!!
May 26, 2010
novice@it says:
thanks kezcreates, you are so right, I think it ALL boils down to that, If I got the respect and appreciation, and support I need, I wouldnt feel overwhelmed, so much more I could say but some is to private. thanks guys.
May 27, 2010
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