THE CHAKRAS (A Visual Art challenge Series): THIRD
"Chakra" is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies the seven basic energy centers in the body. To me, it is the anatomy of our life force. Don't just scrap the chakra symbol but what this chakra is all about - its energy type, theme or subject matter. The THIRD OR SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is the Center of Intellect and Personal Power. "Know my fire and the passion of my existence." Location: Between the navel and ribcage. Element: Fire. Color: Yellow. Sense: Sight. It's about:
* The Right to Act.
* Ego & Personal Power or Influence.
* Life Purpose.
* Courage & Responsibility.
Challenge Requirements:
Scrap what this chakra is all about.
1) Don't just scrap its symbol, visually interpret one of its themes or subject matters.
2) Make its color the dominant color of your page. Pay attention to its element.
3) This is primarily a visual art challenge but you may include some journaling IN your scrap - in the form of titles, quotes, songs or poems.

NOTE: Remember that chakras are energy centers - make the most energetic, artistic page you can, and have fun!
Challenge Starts: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Monday, June 16, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
Vote Starts: Saturday, June 14, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Monday, June 16, 2008 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
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ofelia roca
Stacey's Creative Creations
Granny Franny
Dark Moon Lilly
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Third Chakra
Third Chakra
Posted: Jun 13, 2008
220 challenge points
2nd Place
The Third Chakra Solar Plexus
The Third Chakra Solar Plexus
Posted: Jun 11, 2008
160 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
Third Chakra
Third Chakra
Posted: Jun 13, 2008
220 challenge points
9 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in THE CHAKRAS (A Visual Art challenge Series): THIRD challenge 
Challenge Discussion
Topic TitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
Congratulations... Thank You! gypsykate 0 Jun 16, 2008
Challenge Owner's Choice (COC) gypsykate 0 Jun 13, 2008
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